Page 126 of Torn
Can’t wait. I love you.
I love you, too.
“Perfect timing. I just got here,” he says when I let myself into his house, which is something he insists on. He hates when I knock.
We kiss hello. A sweet, soft kiss on the lips and we’re both smiling as we do so. I still get butterflies when I see him, even though it’s been a few weeks since we officially started seeing each other as a couple.
“I have to take the great white furry one for his walk. You want to come?”
“Of course.”
Diogee starts to prance as soon as he sees Tor get his leash, and then he waits by the French doors that lead to the backyard for Tor to snap his leash onto his collar. We walk through the yard and out the gate leading to the woods. In just the past short few weeks, we’ve started to develop even more rituals, like walking the dog together.
“How was the ride?” I ask.
“Good. Humid, though. We rode down Hampton Beach, and it reminded me of your prom night.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me of that.”
“It seems like so long ago, doesn’t it?”
I nod as we pause for Diogee to sniff around in the dirt and old leaves. “It really does.”
“I think that was the night everything changed between us. I don’t even know why. I’ve thought about it a lot, and I don’t know what the fuck happened. It’s like something just switched.”
Nodding, I lean against him and kiss his shoulder. “I know what you mean. I felt it, too. When we danced together. The way you touched my cheek.” I smile and squint up at him. “The look in your eyes. I was petrified.”
He lets out a laugh. “Why wereyouscared? You’re the one who was talking about putting me in a box,” he teases.
My face heats up at the memory. “Oh my God, I did. I’m surprised you didn’t run and hide.”
“No way, baby. I wanted you to put me in that box and keep me.”
“I’m definitely keeping you, but I’m keeping you out of the box for good behavior.”
He winks at me. “Good to know.”
As we make our way down the path and circle around back to his house, it starts to drizzle. Locking the gate behind us when we get into his yard, he lets Diogee off leash to run the yard and then pulls me into his arms.
“Dance with me,” he whispers.
My heart swells and I rest my head against his chest. “There’s no music,” I say, even though it doesn’t matter. Our bodies are already swaying together.
“There’s always music. Listen to the sound of the raindrops and our heartbeats.” He holds me tighter and presses his lips to my forehead as our bodies move together in the rain.
I used to hate the rain, thinking it was gloomy, depressing, and the ultimate hair-wrecker, but now he’s changed that for me forever by turning it into something incredibly romantic. I’llnever be able to see or hear rain again without remembering this moment with him.
“How do you make me love you more and more?” I murmur, sliding my hands up the back of his shirt, always wanting to be touching his skin. I hate any kind of barrier between us. Like clothes. Clothes on him are a sin.
“So my evil plan is working?” he asks playfully.
“To make me love you even more? Then yes, it’s working.”
“Good.” He squeezes me tighter, our clothes sticking to our bodies. “We’re getting pretty wet. I’m going to take you inside now and make you even wetter.”
My heart speeds up as he takes my hand and leads me back into the house with Diogee at our heels. I have no idea what he’s got in mind and that just adds to the anticipation and excitement of being with him. I’ve learned that Tor loves my inexperience rather than resents it, as I first worried he might. I think being the only man who has ever really touched me turns him on, and I don’t mind that at all. I can understand the possessiveness he feels.