Page 109 of Torn
Nervousness creeps up on me. Surely he’s not used to having to do things like this just to be with a woman. I’m afraid my age and inexperience are more glaring by the minute. He tears his eyes from where our bodies are joined and glances up at me again, his expression going from hungry with desire to sheer concern.
Grabbing the back of my neck, he gently pulls my head down and kisses my lips. “You’re perfect, Kenzi. Every single inch of you, inside and out. You’re turning me on like fuckin’ crazy.” He kisses me again, always knowing exactly what I need to hear and feel, and I continue to ride along his shaft, arching my back to press my clit against him.
“There ya go,” he whispers, his fingers grazing over my nipple, sending more sparks throughout my body and down into my core. “Feel how hard I am for you? For months I’ve been hidingthat from you but now I want you to feel every inch of what you do to me.”
God.All his walls are down and his voice is like black velvet; soft, smooth, dark, and seductive. It lulls me and fades my insecurities as I rub myself against him. His mouth and hands are everywhere with mind-blurring skill. Gripping my hips, caressing my breasts, his lips on my mouth one moment, and then licking the curve of my breast the next—he’s got every part of me craving him and I can’t get enough. Finally I can look at him without hiding the fact that I’m doing it, and now my eyes are glued to his muscular chest and defined abs as I move against the hardest part of him, mesmerized. His dark tousled hair falls to his shoulders and I can’t resist clutching it in my fingers. He’s truly every woman’s dream. I can barely grasp the fact this incredibly sexy grown man with rippling hard muscles, and covered in tattoos that I’ve watched women literally drool over, and who also has a heart made of pure solid gold… wantsme. Lovesme. He could have anyone, and he waited forme.
He growls against my lips when I let the tip of his cock press against my wet entrance and I get my first taste of real sensual power. He wants me. Maybe even needs me.
Angling my hips just the right way, I lower myself onto him and he inhales sharply, gripping my waist, his cock plunging deep. A small cry sounds in my throat, but again, the sensation of pain and desire is intoxicating for me, intensifying when he whispers my name and shudders, losing himself in me completely just as I am with him.
I reallycangive him everything.
That’s all I’ve ever wanted and wished for.
My love,
We promised each other forever.
If you think I’ve let you go, you’re wrong.
You’re mine. I’m yours.
Nothing can fuck your shit up faster than the girl you’ve got your cock buried in getting a text message from her father telling her she should come home because it’s after midnight.
I wanted to keep her with me in my bed all night and ask her to not go home. I wanted her to tell her father that she was spending the night at Chloe’s house and she’d be home tomorrow.
Then I remembered that once I was the guy who enforced her curfew. Told her to never lie to her father about anything. I almost laughed at the insane irony of it, only it wasn’t funny. It was terrifyingly confusing.
Fuck me.
Day one of having Kenzi was nothing short of a dream and I’m not going to let these bumps in the road ruin our happiness. We knew it would be hard. We knew it would be difficult. We knew there would be lies.
Is she worth it? Yes.
So I drove her home in my truck and when she went inside, she told Asher that she had been at my place playing with the dog and then we watched a movie and lost track of the time. When she sent me a text an hour later, when I was back home alone in my bed that still smelled of her perfume and I was missing her like crazy, she told me her father told her she could have stayed here. Because she was with me.
Was she safe? Of course. But Asher wouldn’t think so if he knew I had just spent hours dragging my tongue over every curve of her delicious body, pummeling away her virginity with nine inches of his best friend and fingering her into orgasmic bliss while telling her I’m going to love her for eternity.
Now it’s the next day and I’m standing outside my sister’s apartment door, wondering if I’m at the wrong address. This is an upscale mill apartment in Manchester, probably getting at least twelve hundred per month in rent. How is my little sister affording something like this? I have no idea how much a hair and makeup artist can make, but apparently it’s a lot.
Shrugging, I ring the bell, hoping she’s awake, and home. After a few seconds her door opens, and she’s standing there, with her hair up in a messy ponytail, wearing a short, black silk robe.
“Toren!” she says with obvious surprise. “I didn’t know you were coming over. Come in.”
I saunter into her apartment and gaze around at the stark white walls, chic modern decor and furnishings like glass tabletops and funky vases. Everything is white, black, and red. I feel like I just walked into an abstract painting.
“You live here?” I ask, not hiding my disbelief. I was expecting a cute little studio with cheap throw rugs, colorful throw pillows,hand-me-down furniture, and clothes thrown around like when she lived at Mom’s house.