Page 59 of Best Kept Secret
My grip tightened on my phone. "Her parents told me that they were fighting for custody because they thought Pari was in danger."
Kush sighed. "Mr. Bodine, I can't discuss details of anyone's file without a judge insisting I do so, but I can tell you this, CPS wouldneverapprove custody to Mira's parents, not in any scenario I'm aware of."
Alarm bells began to clang inside me. I'd suspected, hadn't I? But then I'd seen the couple. They seemed so normal, and I'd let my suspicions fall away. Instead, I'd allowed them to prey on my insecurity as a new parent, to go above and beyond to protect my daughter from…Mira, their daughter who they painted as a malicious child.
"Why would they never be granted custody?"
There was a long pause. "I recommend you reach out to Asha's lawyer. She handled everything to do with Pari's guardianship. If you're being shown documents that contradict what's actually in the case files, that's deeply concerning."
I clicked open the files that my lawyers had put together on my computer with regards to Pari's custody filings. I knew that we had the details about Asha's lawyers.
My mind was spinning. Everything I'd thought I knew, everything that had made me believe Mira was a danger to Pari, was unraveling. "So, what you're saying is that Mira's parents sold me some bullshit."
"I'm saying it doesn't match anything we'veeverfiled," Kush replied, his tone firm.
We ended the conversation, and I sat staring at the phone like it was a loaded gun.
I clenched my jaw, hurt swarming through me. I'd believed Mira's parents. I'd believed that report. I'd thrown her out of mylife, out of Pari's life, based on it. And now, this caseworker was telling me it was all fabricated.
From now on I'd verify before I leaped, I decided. So, first things first. I began checking up on Kush Patel. Within minutes, I confirmed he was legit—not only had I sent an email to a .gov address, but a quick database search using the security programs to which my company had access showed proof that Kush Patel was indeed employed by Child Protective Services in Atlanta.
Mira's parents had lied to me. They'd created a report, purporting it to be from the CPS, to get Pari, or to tear Mira down. No,Ihad torn Mira down.
Fucking hell!
I stepped out of my office, and barked at my executive assistant, "James, can you make an appointment for me, urgently with a lawyer called…," I looked at my phone, where I had the details I'd just fished out, "Suchitra Pillai. She's in a law firm in Atlanta called Mitchell, Sanders & Taylor. If she's not there, I need to speak with anyone who can talk to me about Asha Sen's will and estate."
James didn't ask stupid questions, like spell the lawyer's name or whatever. I knew he'd just figure it out.
"Anything else?"
"Yes, I need a helicopter ready to take me to Atlanta for that meeting you're setting up. It needs to be ASAP, James. Today."
James nodded. "Will do, Beau. And I'll also reschedule your meetings for the rest of the day."
"Thanks, James."
I trusted my EA to get me an audience with a lawyer who could give me the answers I needed.
I had to get to the bottom of this.Fast. Because if I was wrong, which I strongly suspected I was—I'd made the biggest mistake of my life by breaking up my family.
Chapter 25
The sun filtered through the trees, casting dappled light across the garden as Beau and Pari chased each other across the lawn, their laughter filling the warm air. I sat on the grass, watching them, my heart full in a way I hadn't felt in years. Beau caught Pari, scooping her up, and twirling her around while she squealed, her little arms flailing with joy.
"Bodaddy!" Pari shrieked, her curls bouncing as she giggled uncontrollably.
Beau looked over at me with a grin, his eyes bright with happiness. "You're wearing me out, kiddo!"
I couldn't help but laugh. "She gets her energy from her father."
He groaned dramatically, pretending to collapse on the grass with Pari still in his arms, both of them breathless from the chase. Pari wriggled free, and ran toward me, her little legs moving as fast as they could. She flung herself into my lap, her face flushed from the exertion, and I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close.
"Miramashi, Bodaddy is sleeping." She giggled, nestling into me.
"You tired him out, myShona." I kissed the top of her head. "You're just too fast for him."