Page 86 of Fated Obsessions
Pierre was a spindly man, nonthreatening, and the perfect person to do my bidding. Because Gaston would see him as nothing of importance.
Although I could very well take Belle without this charade or planning, could rip Gaston’s head from his neck, I did not wantto start my nuptials with Belle on the wrong foot, as the humans would say.
I focused on Maurice, who sat at the table with Gaston and a few of his minions, wooden chips they used as currency in their games in the center of the table.
Maurice was sweating, his face glistening with droplets that caught the light, his cheeks ruddy, and his hands buried in his hair as the sheer panic swamped him.
I knew enough about Gaston, the big and bulky human, to know he used the villagers’ weaknesses against them. And that was what he had been doing with Maurice for a very long time.
Taking advantage.
But that would change tonight. I would make Gaston an offer he could not refuse. And that was to pay off Maurice’s debt and then some, which would make the human bastard rich beyond words.
And would give me the only thing I had coveted. Belle.
When Pierre walked up to them and presented the leather coin purse from his satchel, showing Gaston, I could see the greedy gleam in his eyes.
It would be more riches than Gaston had or would ever see in his miserable life, so when he reached out for it and held the heft of it in his palm, I knew she would be mine.
I focused on my reflection, at my grisly appearance, and knew winning over Belle would be a feat in and of itself, but I would try until the end of time.
It was not like she had a choice in the matter because she was already mine, and nothing and no one would ever change that.
Chapter 1
My father had just sold me off. Bartered my body to erase his debt to the very devil himself.
A Beast of a man. Literally.
A creature whispered about amongst the villagers, feared by all, and known to have immense wealth and power that no one could ever conceivably stand up against.
I knew only a handful had ever seen him, but I heard the rumors of his appearance.
A beastly visage at three times the size of a man, and his monstrously huge body covered in fur. His eyes held an unearthly red glow, and his pawlike hands were tipped with claws. Then there were his fangs, ones that I wondered if he used to tear into flesh.
I visibly shivered at the image my mind conjured up.
I held in my tears as I clenched my hands tightly into fists. Anger, fear, and shock waged war in me.
“Don’t look at me like that, Belle. I didn’t have a choice.”
I had to give my father credit… he at least looked heartbroken.
“You always have a choice. How could you just give me away like that? Andto him?” I hissed out the last part.
His shoulders sagged and he dropped his head, exhaling as if it were his life that was being ruined.
“We would have lost everything. The little land we own, our home, the livestock…” He looked at me. “We would have been penniless and out in the streets.”
“It would have been better than marrying that… thatBeast.” I turned from my father, unable to look at him anymore.
It was no secret in the village that my father had a gambling addiction. He owed too many people money. He had far too many debts to ever be repaid in our lifetime.
And it finally caught up with him.
“Gaston wouldn’t wait for me to pay him back this time, Belle,” my father pleaded, trying to pull on my heartstrings.