Page 52 of Fated Obsessions
I made the two steps it took to get to the small basket in the corner that held the few extra pieces of clothes I’d made for myself and gathered a new set I could put on after my bath.
Please let the pool be empty. I’d love to have a few minutes to myself.
Although even if it was empty, I’d have to bribe the attendant to get actual alone time.
Once I had my stuff and an extra token in my palm, I stepped out of my alcove and put the privacy screen back in place. I mademy way back down the tunnel, my head lowered, my focus on my feet. I was almost to the end of the tunnel, where I could take a right and head to the pool, when I felt the heavy presence of someone move up behind me. My spine straightened, my skin tightening.
“I was wondering when I’d see you again,” a deep voice rumbled behind me, followed by two distinctly familiar chuckles.
I closed my eyes briefly, breathed out, but said nothing as I kept going. But then a large body inserted itself in front of me, causing me to halt suddenly.
“Hey now. It’s rude not to respond when someone addresses you.”
A smart-assed retort was on the tip of my tongue on how he technically hadn’t asked me anything, and therefore it didn’t require a response, but I bit my tongue. Egging him on would only make the situation worse.
I didn’t want to look at him, but I also didn’t want to show him that he made me uncomfortable or scared. That would only give him more power. So I lifted my head and looked into Leland’s dark—cold and dead—eyes. I was pretty sure Leland wasn’t right in the head, that he had a disconnection, a lack of something essential that would’ve made him wholly human and empathetic to those around him. He was just too uncaring for it to be normal.
“I’ve got someplace to be,” I said low but kept my voice even.
He crossed his arms over his chest and grinned, a piece of his front tooth chipped from a vicious fight he’d gotten into with another man months ago in the common area. Leland had put the other man in the infirmary, and now the guy walked with a limp and steered clear of Leland for obvious reasons.
And because Leland had connections with the elders and those of higher ranking, he’d gotten a slap on the wrist, hisactions deemed justifiable because they’d been in “self-defense.” Which had been a load of bullshit, but who was going to go against them?
Leland was a bully of the worst kind. He was the violent, brutal kind.
He leaned his shoulder against the cavern wall and grinned more broadly. When I said nothing, his brows pulled down low, the impatience clear on his face. “How about I walk you to the common area? Or maybe we can eat evening meal together?”
I was pretty sure Leland was insistent on harassing me because I was one—probably the only—woman who refused him in all things. Even my fear couldn’t have me submitting to him. And I was pretty sure he saw that as some kind of game, something he wanted to conquer.
But I would never give in to him. I’d rather die fighting him off.
“That’s okay.” I went to make a move around him, and he took a step to the side, his shoulder brushing up against mine. Instantly revulsion filled me. But he didn’t stop me. I said a silent prayer to whoever was listening or small miracles.
I could hear his two lackeys laughing, and whatever he murmured under his breath was probably vile and disgusting toward me.
“I’ll see you later, Emma,” he called out, but I ignored him.
I went around the corner and exhaled roughly, not realizing I'd been holding my breath the entire time. Leland made me instantly tense and wary, and as soon as I was out of his vicinity, I felt like this weight was lifted off me.
Soon enough the scent of clean water filled my head and washed away all the filth that Leland brought with him. I walked through the entrance to the grotto and thanked whoever had listened for letting the pool be empty. Even if it was only for a couple of minutes, I'd take it.
The older gentleman standing guard by the pool pushed off the wall and strode toward me, his hand held out, his gaze moving over my body. I said nothing as I gave him my tokens and then slid one extra into his outstretched palm, a silent agreement for a few moments of privacy.
After he left, I looked around to make sure I was truly alone and then quickly stripped out of my dirty clothes and got into the water. A sigh of bliss left me as the water enveloped my sore body, and I closed my eyes and leaned against the outer edge of the pool. The grotto was large enough to have four grown adults sitting within it, and normally it was filled to capacity. But right now everyone was just getting off their work detail, heading toward the dining chamber to get first dibs on the freshest pieces of food. So I happily took the time and just relaxed against the rough lip of the grotto, not caring that the stone dug into my skin.
I wouldn’t have much alone time, so after giving myself a few minutes to enjoy the quiet solitude, I reached across for the little bag I’d brought, took the small sliver of homemade soap I’d purchased with a token and a strip of material to wash, and lathered it up before scrubbing it all over my body. I cleaned my hair twice, then went over my body once more until my skin was reddened and sensitive.
I draped my long, dark hair over my shoulder and braided it, the nearly black locks a thick rope that hung to my waist.
I wanted to stay longer, but I knew the attendant who was watching the bathing chamber would come in soon, and I didn’t want him watching me get dressed. Which he would. They always did.
What I wouldn’t give to just get away from all this, to say screw the rules and the procedures and all the hard work. What I wouldn’t give to just be taken away to where nothing else mattered and all I had to worry about was myself.
But as with most hopes and wishes, they only ended up being dreams.
Chapter 4