Page 82 of Dominion
He stopped, resting his hand on her heated flesh. “How many months did you let me believe we were trying to conceive a child, Ashley?”
She cringed, her shame worse than the pain. “Five months,” she mumbled into the sofa.
“How many?” he asked sharply.
She turned her head to speak. “Five, sir.”
He began to spank her again, just as hard and fast as before.
She moaned and squirmed, reaching back to try to rub.
He caught her wrist and bent it behind her back. “You know better than that, little girl,” he said in his most stern and disapproving tone.
She hunched her shoulders against the agonizing smacks. “I’m sor-ry,” she wailed.
Thankfully, he stopped again. “Five months of deceit deserves five spankings, don’t you think?”
“Tonight?” she asked, suddenly terrified.
He chuckled. “Not tonight.”
“When I decide.”
He lifted her to her feet and she cupped her flaming ass. “This spanking isn’t done,” he warned. “Go stand in the corner while I get something from the kitchen.”
She walked to the corner, trying to rub away the burn.
“No rubbing,” Ben called from the kitchen. “Interlace your fingers on top of your head.”
She sighed and obeyed, feeling like a very naughty girl who had already been well chastised. What more did he plan to do?
She listened to the sounds of him rummaging in the kitchen and then his return to the living room. His footsteps sounded behind her.
“Bend over and grab your ankles,” he said, tugging her hips backward to give her room to fold.
She swallowed, her mouth dry.
He waited for her to comply, watching her slowly bending at the waist and reaching toward the floor. The stretching of her ass only made the throbbing worse. He pressed something slick and cool against her anus and she jerked, trying to clamp her cheeks closed. The position kept her spread to him, though, and he pushed more insistently, until she relaxed and allowed it in.
“You may stand up now,” he said, wiggling the object inside her. Turning her hips, he used the intrusive object to propel her forward, until she reached the arm of the sofa. “Bend over,” he said, pressing her torso down. “This is ginger,” he said. “You’re going to keep it in for the remainder of your spanking. I’m going to make sure your bottom burns on the outside and in,” he said.
She tried to erect herself, craning her neck around to look, but Ben pushed her back down and held her in place.
“If you’re a good girl, I will finish this spanking with my hand,” he said. “That means no reaching and no kicking. If you’re naughty, I will take off my belt and spank you until you scream. Understand?”
Her heart thundered in her chest. “Yes, sir,” she whispered, her pussy clenching despite her fear.
His fist wrapped in her hair and he tugged her head back. “You like it when I punish you,” he growled in her ear, probably smelling the scent of her arousal.
Her nipples hardened. The roughness in his voice gave away his desire for her. Her wolf had returned from whatever cold place he’d retreated.
“I don’t like it,” she said, which was a half-truth.
He pulled her hair back again. “Yes, you do.”
“I don’t like disappointing you.” That was all true.