Page 65 of Dominion
Bliss swept over her in waves, long before he slid his hand under her and diddled her clit to set off another earth-shattering orgasm.
He pulled up at the warehouse and turned off the engine. He saw both Zolla’s and Mark’s cars parked in the lot, which was filled with cars and motorcycles. At least he had two friends in there. He had called Stanley and requested a meeting with the pack.
He’d brought Ashley—un-blindfolded this time. She was his mate, so if he was going to be a part of this pack, they’d have to get used to her. Having her along gave him strength. Her very presence made him want to man up where before he had ducked his head.
They walked in and although the sound of conversations didn’t diminish, he sensed the attention of most wolves on him. Everyone was there—male and female wolves alike. He caught sight of Shayla across the room and experienced a moment of uncertainty. How would she feel about him taking Leon’s place? Lord knew he wasn’t half the wolf Leon had been. She gave him a small smile and lifted her fingers in a wave.
He waved back. Zolla came forward, his wiry frame making him look almost adolescent in comparison with the brawny wolves around him, not that human form necessarily correlated with wolf size. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and grinned, sticking out his hand.
Ben grasped his palm. “Thanks for coming. I hope it wasn’t awkward,” he said, wondering if anyone gave him crap because he’d left their pack.
Zolla shrugged. “I don’t care about that,” he said. “Hey, Ashley.”
Ashley moved in for a hug, and Ben was surprised to find he didn’t want to kick the wolf’s teeth in. Maybe marking her had eased some of the masculine aggression that had controlled him since the moment he first laid eyes on her. Or perhaps it had been her exquisite surrender the night before.
“How’s your leg?”
She grinned. “Doctor said it was miraculous—the bone didn’t need the reconstruction the first x-rays showed was necessary.”
“You’ve got good genes, there,” Zolla said with a wink.
Ben slid an arm around Ashley’s waist and pulled her against his side.
Stanley walked over and shook his hand. “The floor is yours whenever you’re ready. Do you want me to introduce you?”
“Nah, that’s okay,” Ben said, putting two fingers to his lips to whistle. The room fell silent.
“Brothers, sisters,” he said. “Thank you all for coming tonight. I came to thank you for standing by me yesterday—sticking your necks out and risking your lives for a guy who hasn’t offered this pack one thing. I didn’t deserve what you did for me.”
No one spoke.
“I haven’t participated with the pack as I should have. I know I’ve failed you and I’ve failed Leon.” His eyes sought Shayla and he found her in the crowd. She gave him a small, encouraging smile. “I want you to know from now on, I’m in, if you’ll have me. I’d be honored to be your brother, and serve in whatever way is asked of me.”
The room was silent.
“What if you are asked to be alpha?” Stanley asked.
The wolves all stared at him, waiting. He saw challenge in some of their eyes. He met their gazes squarely until one by one, they dropped. He couldn’t imagine why they would want him as their leader. He hadn’t proven he had any ability to lead. Sure, he was the biggest, strongest wolf, but that didn’t mean he had the ability to guide them.
Zolla gave him a nod of encouragement. For some reason, the omega wolf believed in him. And his friendship had saved both his and Ashley’s life the day before.
He bowed his head. “I will serve in whatever way is asked of me, for the good of the pack.”
“Leadership requires sacrifice,” Stanley said after another long silence. “Yesterday, I saw your willingness to sacrifice yourself to protect your mate. Would you be willing to offer that kind of protection to your pack?”
He looked out over the faces of the pack. They were his kind—his species—wolves living amongst humans. They took care of one another. If they didn’t, they risked exposing their secret to the world, which might trigger their extinction. Stanley had been right before—lone wolves were a detriment to all. He had weakened the pack by staying away.
He swallowed. “I would give my life for you, individually and as a whole,” he swore solemnly.
He sensed a ripple of approval, although still no one spoke.
“Wolves are not democratic by nature,” Stanley said, “but we are Americans, after all. Who here objects to this alpha’s rule?”
He scanned the faces. Some of the wolves looked dubious with their arms folded across their chests, but no one dissented.
“I don’t have any practice leading a pack,” he said, “but I promise to give it my best.”