Page 149 of Dominion
The screen flashed the name ‘Cody’ as the ringtone sounded both from the phone and, muffled, from the garage.
Cody’s voice came on. “I’m in the garage.”
Her heart surged to her throat.
She punched the end button and stared at the blank screen in the biggest WTF moment of her life.
Cody was CJ Steele?
No… maybe that was just the number Steele had used to list his company. But even before she finished the thought, she discarded it. Cody had to be Steele. It was so obvious now, it killed her.Cstood for Cody.
Why in the hell hadn’t he told her? Anger boiled, hot and thick.
She marched to the garage and threw open the door.
Cody had his Ducati up on stands, doing some kind of maintenance or repair.
She shut the door behind her, not wanting to give Colleen and her kids a show. “So, I bet you thought it was hilarious to string me along.Make a lowball offer on the house, you advised.”
Cody stood and wiped the grease from his hands with a rag. His expression turned shuttered.
“You couldn’t wait to put me in my place, could you?”
“Now hold on—” he started.
“You’ve been dying to since the moment we first met.” She spread her arms wide. “You think I’m a spoiled little princess who can’t break a fingernail. I guess you’ve had a load of laughs while I’ve waxed on about the great and famous CJ Steele.”
His eyes narrowed. “I don’t really see why you’re mad here. Shouldn’t it be me?”
Her mouth opened and closed. “Why would you be mad? You could buy and sell half this city. All I wanted was one damn house, and I was willing to pay full price for it.”
Cody’s brow furrowed.
“But you couldn’t wait to drop this on my head. Does it feel good? Now you can lord the thing I want most over me? Make me grovel for it. Is that what you want?” She put her hands on her hips. “Because I will. I know that’s what you like, isn’t it?”
His face flushed and eyes flashed to light blue, anger lighting his face. “I don’t see where you get off. You’re the one who thinks she’s too good for me, the lowlyconstruction worker. You won’t even consider me as a mate. Am I worthy now? Is it different when you know I have money?”
Hot with shame and humiliation rushed over her. He was right. She had misjudged him. Maybe that was part of why she was so mad—her own prejudice embarrassed her.
“No,” she snapped. “Money can’t fix a jerk.” Spinning on her heel, she flew back into the house and slammed the door behind her.
In the garage, the sound of a metal tool clattering against a wall and then the concrete floor echoed.
Her phone dinged at the same time a knock sounded on the front door. She looked down at the screen.
Ashley had texted, “We’re here!”
Not one minute too soon. She jogged to the door and threw it open. Ignoring the two huge men—shifters—beside her sister, she snatched her up in a hard hug.
Cody cursedand picked up another wrench to throw, but the scent of two male wolves made him stiffen and he charged inside, instead.
Melissa stood clasped in an embrace with a woman who looked identical to her, except with hair a few inches shorter. Beside them stood Mark Ruhl, whose scent he would have recognized had his brain been clearer, and the wolf who must be Ben Stone.
“We came back early,” Ben said, by way of greeting. “I wanted to get Melissa out of Colorado Springs before the payoff.” He and Mark remained outside on the step, showing deference to Cody’s territory as alpha of his town.
“Come in.”
Ben entered and held out his palm, which Cody shook first, before Mark’s. “Thank you for your help. I’m in your debt.”