Page 125 of Dominion
She didn’t move to take the money. “I’m not joining your pack.” Though the words were bold, she kept her gaze lowered.
Without taking his gaze from her, he changed the angle of his hand to hold the money out to the children. The boy, who looked to be around ten, scampered forward without hesitation and took it.
Smart kid.
Cody produced a business card. The fact that he carried cards when he didn’t even use a wallet surprised her, but maybe it was for pack business. He handed it to Colleen. “Our full moon run is tomorrow in the Woodland Park area, up Highway 24.”
The children perked up, as if he had said they could go to an amusement park.
Cody smiled. “The pups are welcome, of course. There’s a cabin there you can use any time. Call or text me if you want directions.”
The woman took the card, uncertainty arresting her face. The children had risen from the bed and were crowding her, looking up with pleading expressions.
“Can we, Momma?” the girl asked.
Colleen’s lips pressed together.
“You know how to reach me now.” Cody’s words both acknowledged she hadn’t reached out to him and let her off the hook. He pointed to the card. “Use it if you need it.”
Her expression shuttered, but she tucked the card in the back pocket of her baggy jeans. “I appreciate you stopping by.” She stared at the floor as she delivered this nicety, which sounded like utter bologna.
Cody sauntered toward the door, then looked back at the children, who had been watching him avidly, and now lowered their gazes to match their mother’s. “I hope to see you Sunday. The mountain is beautiful.”
No one answered, but Cody had already opened the door, as if he hadn’t expected one. He let Melissa go first, his hand lightly resting at her lower back. So the guy did know how to be a gentleman, despite his Neanderthal act.
When they climbed in the truck, she said, “That was nice of you.”
Cody stared at the steering wheel, looking grave. “Haven’t had to deal with anything like that before.”
“Like what?” She spoke softly, not wanting to knock him out of this uncharacteristic openness.
“Domestic abuse. I’m guessing she’s hiding from whoever knocked those teeth out.”
Melissa flinched to hear it spoken out loud, but she knew immediately Cody must be right. She studied his face, seeing him through a different filter. Cody as alpha—not just the guy who asserted his dominance sexually, but the one in charge of his pack. He seemed terribly capable. Dangerous, but not in the bad boy way, more in the protective way.
“You can… you’ll protect her, right?”
His beautiful gray eyes stared back at hers, expression inscrutable. Shit. Maybe she shouldn’t have asked about pack business. But jeez. She hoped he would help that woman. He rubbed his face. “If she asks for my protection, it’s hers. You’ll notice she didn’t ask. She might be afraid she can’t trust me—that I’ll rat her out to her mate, whoever the abusive asshole might be, or she might not think I have enough power behind me to protect her.”
He started the truck and pulled away from the curb. “You shouldn’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m a fucking hero. Because I’m not. And I like that look on you too damn much.”
Her breath hitched. Cody wasn’t looking at her, but the energy between them sparked.
He was a hero, though. He’d signed up to put his life before hers, without ever having seen her. And now he was ready to protect this other woman, who he didn’t even know.
Unable to think of anything to say, she kept her mouth shut, ignoring the buzzing traveling through her body just at the nearness of Cody.
Cody parked the Ducati Streetfighter in front of his mountain cabin. Considering he had Melissa with him, he should have driven to Woodland Park in the truck, but the day was too beautiful. The open air ride through the mountain pass of Highway 24 was glorious, especially because he could bypass the jam-up of cars on the bike.
Choosing to ride the Ducati had nothing to do with the pleasure of having a certain beautiful redhead’s thighs straddling his hips, arms around his waist. Nor had it been about shoving his hellion ways in her face again. Right.
Itmighthave had something to do with not thinking himself capable of sharing the cab of the truck with her for the trip, inhaling her scent and suffering through small talk. He wouldn’t have lasted ten minutes without giving into the need to shove the seat back and tell her where he’d like her mouth to go. Especially with the moon full and his beast so close to the surface.