Page 58 of Alpha's Claim
My blood turns icy cold. The new guards have weapons that hurt shifters. “But…that means…”
The lights power up completely. I’m blinded for a second until my helmet adjusts.
Darius, Matthias, Rafe and Lance stand over the bodies piled on either side of us. “They know what we are,” Rafe rasps. “And they know how to take us down.”
“No,” I breathe. This is a nightmare. These shifters are risking everything to help me, and now their lives are in danger, too.
A comms unit crackles. Rafe and Lance put their fingers to their earpieces at the same time.
“Report from the outside. More of Thompson’s troops have arrived,” Lance says. “Deke and Channing are pinned down.”
“Tell them they’ve got silver nets,” Matthias says. He’s crouched beside Canyon and Axel, checking their wounds.
“I’ll be fine,” Canyon croaks. His body is crisscrossed with red marks. He got the worst of it because he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Axel just has marks on his arms and face. Matthias and Axel get Canyon up between them.
“You don’t have time for this.” Canyon pushes Matthias away. He leans into Axel, and they both stagger but stay upright.
“We need to keep going to get Wren,” Axel says. His eyes blaze green.
“No, you’re injured. Bear form, now,” Matthias orders. “You’ll heal faster.”
“But–” Canyon protests.
“Now,” Matthias growls. His voice booms and echoes like he’s in an amphitheater. Goosebumps break out on my arms.
Canyon and Axel respond to Matthias’ order. They fall to all fours with their backs hunched. A second later, they’re in bear form.
“Go,” Matthias commands. “Get Everest and get out any way you can.” He waits until they lumber off to turn to Rafe and Lance. “You need to go, too. Cover my brothers, and then reinforce your team.”
“Are you sure?” Rafe asks.
“We got this,” Darius rumbles. He turns, and I follow, stumbling over the fallen net. He steadies me. Matthias takes up the rear. Rafe and Lance have disappeared.
We come to the round vault-like door at the end of the hall. The safe room. There are no more guards, but no way in.
This last part is up to me.
I pull off my helmet. The cool air hits my sweaty temples. “Thom,” I shout. “You wanted me to come back. I’m here.”
Chapter Thirteen
Nothing happens. Thom doesn’t respond to my challenge. My heart sinks.
Darius and Matthias step forward. “We can try to break in.”
“No,” I say. “The entire chamber is made of steel.”
Matthias holds up a hand. His nails have become bear claws. “We can try.” His voice is thick, like his vocal chords have begun to change.
“He’s got Wren.” I shake my head. “If we try anything, he’ll hurt her. But the one he really wants is me.”
There’s a hissing sound, and I step back automatically. The vault door slowly opens, revealing Thom. He’s got my sister propped against him. Her eyes are closed.
He’s holding a needle with a syringe of clear liquid to her throat. “You’re late,” he informs me.
I raise my hands, to show I’m not armed. “You don’t want her. You want me.” I take a step forward.