Page 15 of Alpha's Claim
It’s the Viking. Here. In my room. He just climbed the tower and broke the window, and now he flashes a grin like this is normal.
My mouth hangs open. Electricity buzzes over my skin at the sight of him, and my heart starts pumping.
I force my heavy limbs to move and scramble off the bed, putting my four-poster between me and him. Another wave of wooziness washes over me. I’m out of breath like I’ve been running, but I finally find my voice. “What are you doing?” I grab the first thing at hand–my thick paperback–and heave it at him. My arm feels floppy.
It’s not a great throw, but he catches the book and turns it over to examine the cover. “I’ve heard of this author. Is she any good?”
“Get out.” I point to the window.
He strolls forward and places the book on my bed. The movement draws attention to his powerful shoulders. My room feels smaller with him here.
He holds up his hands. “I mean you no harm.”
“I know that.” I say it before I realize it’s true. I feel safe with him. There’s a magnetism between us. He’s interested in me the same way I’m interested in him. In the old-fashioned, boy-likes-girl kind of way. Not just the I-want-you-because-you’ll-make-me-billions-of-dollars way although I’m sure he wants that, too.
He paces around the bed, coming closer. I have nowhere to back up, but I’m fixed where I stand, fascinated by his fluid movements.
A few paces away, he stops. “You’re not afraid of me.”
“No,” I agree. “But you shouldn’t be here.” I still haven’t screamed for help. I don’t know why not. A part of me doesn’t want to watch as my guards invade my private space and tear him apart.
A part of me wants to savor this moment. He’s huge and handsome, and my body remembers how gently he held me when we danced. The charm of his smile.
The cold night air invades my bedroom, sending goosebumps prickling on my skin. I’m extra aware of how little I’m wearing. Thin silk covers my breasts and bare sex and does nothing to hide my pert nipples.
To his credit, the Viking keeps his eyes on my face. “Let’s go, Rapunzel.” He holds his huge ham-hand out to me.
I flick a glance at it then find myself staring. What could a big man like that do with those hands on my body?
Wow–why am I thinking that?
Oh yeah,–because tonight’s my virgin auction, and this guy decided to skip to the front of the line and take me without paying.
I really should scream. But Thom would kill him. Now that I’m sure he killed my parents, I know these guards aren’t for show. Who knows how many deaths they’veorchestrated on Thom’s behalf? And for some reason, even though the man in my bedroom must be equally despicable, I don’t want him to die. I’m fascinated by him.
I edge back. “You need to leave. It’s not safe.”
“You’renot safe. That’s why I’m here, princess.” He takes a step forward and beckons to me. His eyes have a strange sheen to them, bright and honey-colored like a summer moon. “Chinless Chad is bidding on you right now. Let’s get out of here before he or some other limp dick is declared the winner.”
“Because your dick isn’t limp?” I fold my arms over my chest and arch a brow, but a flush crawls up my neck as I find myself actually considering that part of his anatomy.
Okay, fine–I look.
There’s a bulge in his pants that tells me limp-dick syndrome isnota problem for this guy. Um, yeah.Not at all.
I try and fail to swallow as I think again about what it would be like for this behemoth of a man to take my virginity.
Heat blooms on my skin and rolls up from my belly to my chest. I refuse to believe I’m reacting to him. It must be the medicine giving me a hot flash.
The Viking tilts his head as if he hears something outside the door although I hear nothing. “Come on, Paloma.” He beckons again, losing the casual air of seduction. There’s an urgency to his tone now. “We need to go. Now.”
The room spins a little from the medication. I’m not steady on my feet.
Some reckless part of me wants to go with him. But I can’t run away again–Thom will take it out on Wren.
I shake my head. “I can’t go with you. If you want me, go put your bid in with the others.”