Page 6 of Merry Merry Biker
From down the hallway there was a stifled moan, followed by a cry that stopped short as if she’d bit her lip to stop the noise from escaping.
“Ah, Jesus,” I muttered as pre-cum slid down my shaft, covering my hands. Having an idea what that cry meant had me gripping my cock tightly as I slowly pumped my hand up and down my shaft, knowing there was no way to stop this just as anotherwhimper echoed its way down the passage to me, jerking my hand faster I could feel my orgasm fast approaching.
It had been a long time since I’d had the pleasure of being with a woman. As another cry went up from down the passage, there’s was no holding back the orgasm that streaked through me, my back bowed slightly as cum splattered across my stomach and up my chest. Pain raced through me as my body and head throbbed, not happy with the fast movements I’d made. Taking a deep breath, I inhaled and exhaled, blinking to get rid of the blackness that threatened my vision.
“Fuck me,” I whispered, then gave a rusty chuckle at my predicament. I’d have to figure out a way to clean up before she came back. Turning my head slightly, I caught sight of the T-shirt I’d been wearing under my leathers laying not far from me. With a strained groan, I rolled over and snagged it, sweat beaded my brow and nausea rose, but I beat it back. Wiping down my chest and across my stomach, cleaning myself up. The shower switched off just as I pulled the blankets back up to my chest. Relaxing back against the pillows, relishing the warmth from the fire, I was fucking exhausted. And after my massive orgasm, I was feeling sated and happy for the first time in a while. Allowing myself to relax further into the mattress, I fell into a deep sleep, but not before vowing that as soon as I was up to it, I would repay my Sprite with an orgasm that would knock the one she’d just given herself out of the park.
A bit of self-care went a long way to relaxing me after the evening I’d had. Dressing in warm leggings with reindeer on with a long fluffy Christmas jumper, and with warm fluffy socks on my feet, I threw my bright red hair up in a messy bun. Now that I was dressed, I was ready to get on with the rest of the evening that I’d originally planned; I’d just have a guest joining me instead of being by myself.
Leaving my bedroom and hurrying down the hall to the kitchen, I had to pass through the living room on my way. Stopping when I saw Tommy fast asleep. Tiptoeing over to have a look, I felt his head to see if he was running a temperature, but he was cool to the touch, his face relaxed as he slept. I was pleased; sleeping would be good for his healing. I’d wake him in an hour or so and get him to take some antibiotics and have some food.
Leaving him to rest, I went to the kitchen and took the lid off the slow cooker, breathing in the delicious scent of chicken stew. I was starving and couldn’t wait to dig in. Taking the dumpling dough from the fridge, I popped them in on top of the gravy and closed the lid. Another twenty minutes and I’d be able to eat, and I was looking forward to it.
Switching the radio on, I turned it down low, enjoying the Christmas music that was playing. Bopping my way around the kitchen to the Christmas tunes filled me with happiness. Humming under my breath to the radio, I pulled open the fridge again and took out a bottle of red wine that I’d started. Seeing the fridge full of food made me glad that I’d done my big shopping yesterday; it meant I didn’t have to leave again for the next few days and with my unexpected houseguest that was a blessing.
Taking my favourite wine glass from the cupboard and pouring myself a glass of wine, I sat down at the kitchen table and took a big sip with a sigh of contentment. Was there anything better than being at home, with good food, Christmas songs, and a decent glass of wine?
Half an hour later, with a second glass of wine, a bowl full of goodness, I curled up in my camp chair with a blanket, settling in to watch one of my favourite Christmas movies of all time. I mean, who didn’t enjoy a little boy pulling pranks on burglars. I laughed every time I watched Home Alone. I had a whole list of movies I watched over the Christmas period. I’d get to the Die Hard movies eventually, along with the Lethal Weapon ones. They’d been my mum’s favourite.
Around midnight, I switched off the telly and checked on Tommy once again. He was still sleeping soundly, but I wanted to get the antibiotics down him. Going to the kitchen, I made up a quick cup of weak chicken soup, grabbed some water, painkillers, and the antibiotics, setting it all down on the floor next to him. Kneeling down, I gently shook him, whispering his name softly. He groaned but didn’t wake up. With a sigh, I shook him a bit harder. I hated being woken up like this and figured he would too, but there was nothing for it if gentle wasn’t working.
“Tommy,” I spoke loudly.
He gave another groan but opened his eyes, squinting slightly at me. “Sprite,” he mumbled, his eyes closing again.
Shaking his shoulder insistently until he opened his eyes again.
“I need you to take these pills and have something to drink,” I told him, pulling gently on his arm until he was partially sitting up. I hurriedly tucked a bean bag and some cushions behind him so that he was semi-reclining.
He was groggy and tired, neither of which filled me with glee; head injuries were tricky. I still wished he’d let me take him to the hospital, but I guess the man had his reasons and I’d been around the Crow MC and the O’Sheas long enough to know that sometimes you didn’t need to be asking questions about certain things. Steadying the mug in his hands as he took a sip of the soup, his eyes widened at the flavour, “Fuck, Sprite, this is delicious.”
I grinned at him, happy that he was enjoying it. “Sorry it’s not more, but I didn’t want to give you anything heavy if you’re still feeling nauseous.”
“Nah, this is more than enough,” he assured me as he drained the last of the dregs out the bottom of the mug. When he was done, I took his mug and handed him the pills, explaining what they were. Once he swallowed them, I helped him settle back down, moving all the pillows away from behind him.
Adding another log to the fire so the room was pleasantly warm as my heating turned off during the night, I stacked a few more blankets next to him on the floor within easy reach if he needed them.
“I’ll be checking on you every couple of hours, but if you need me before, then just shout. I’ll leave my door open,” I told him as I stood back up and went to leave. Hiding my grin as I turnedaway because the man’s eyes had been glued to my arse the whole time I’d been bent over adding wood to the fire.
“Okay, Sprite.”
I was nearly out of the living room when his next words stopped me in my tracks and sent a shiver through me.
“And, Sprite, just saying… be prepared the next time you bend over like that in front of me.”
Turning slightly, I winked and sent him a sultry smirk over my shoulder. “I’ll hold you to that, handsome,” I told him before I sauntered down the passage with a definite swing in my step.
Still smirking ten minutes later as I settled into bed after setting my alarm to wake him up in a few hours. It was going to be a long night, but at least I didn’t have to get up and go anywhere tomorrow.
It seemed like I’d just closed my eyes when the alarm went off. Groaning tiredly, I swung my legs out of bed and trudged down the passage to the lounge, shivering a little in the cold. Waking up a grumpy biker was not on my list of favourite things to do at this hour of the morning, but needs must. Tommy muttered at me but woke up enough to tell me his name. Calling it good, I put another log on the fire and hurried back to bed.
I could have cried when the alarm went off two hours later, heaving myself out of bed and stumbling down the passage, not wanting to open my eyes and wake up completely. Shaking Tommy’s shoulder, I woke him up just enough to get his name before I stumbled my way back to bed, collapsing in a heap, pulling the covers over me and huddling into my bed, wondering if I should put the heating back on but knowing that it would come back on in a few hours anyway, I decided that sleep was more important.
Waking up a few hours later, gasping for breath and sweating, I threw off a blanket, wondering what the hell was going on. Was the thermostat broken?