Page 17 of Merry Merry Biker
It had been a long road, but finally, I was back where I belonged, a lot older and more banged up than when I left. Burying my nose in Lana’s hair, I breathed her in as I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
The look of utter relief and love on Colm’s face when he saw Tommy standing in the doorway had made my heart happy. But it also made me wonder if now that he was back home with his family, if he’d still want to spend time with me.
I hoped so but also knew that he’d need time to acclimate himself back into the family and find his place with them again. I’d been happy to shut myself up in the dining room so that Tommy could update Colm with everything that he needed to. I wasn’t an idiot—I knew that whatever Tommy had been doing wasn’t strictly legal. Not that I needed to know what it was, though. It didn’t matter to me because, in my soul, I knew he was a good man.
It was only an hour or so later that Tommy walked into the dining room. I caught him watching me in the reflection in the window. If I happened to put a bit of an extra swing into my hips while I was dancing, what did it matter. It got me what I wanted. No! What I needed… his lips on mine.
Deciding not to hold back, I had to tell him how I felt, even if it had only been three days. That he felt the same way was the cherry on top of my already fantastic Christmas break.
The teasing from Colm had made us laugh. Colm had never made it a secret that he’d hoped I’d end up with one of his sons, but there was nothing there with Adam and Liam.
I liked them well enough, and we laughed and teased each other more like siblings would when I’d been in their company for any length of time. There had never been a spark between any of us, though. I think the fact that Tommy and I’d obviously connected thrilled him no end.
They’d all piled in to help with the painting and when Colm had insisted that we sleep at his home, I’d recognised it for what it was—he wanted all of us under his roof. I think now that he’d seen Tommy, he was worried he’d disappear on them again. I’d made it easier for everyone by asking if we could spend a couple of nights so that we could get the flooring done.
Colm hadn’t said anything, but I’d read the relief in his gaze. It was no hardship for me to spend time with his family, especially as I hoped they’d be mine one day. Packing hadn’t taken any time; I’d emptied the fridge of perishables to take with us. I’m sure between Maya and me we’d use them up.
I liked Maya and we’d always got on well. We’d met when she’d started cleaning for the Crows and then the O’Sheas, although she didn’t clean anymore as Johnny had her working in the office at The Lounge, and I know that she helped Liam and Adam out with the administrative side of their businesses too.
We’d made short work of getting dinner on the table. We’d been amused listening to the teasing at the table from the guys. As the day had gone on, they’d slowly fallen into a more relaxed rhythm, more than likely similar to what they’d been like growing up. I’d sat down next to Tommy and his hand had settled on my thigh and stayed there all evening while plans had been made for the coming week.
Resting my head against Tommy’s shoulder, I’d let it all flow over me. It seemed that I’d have help at the house for the next few days and by the looks of it, I’d be all moved in before the new year.
I was happy with that. New year, new beginnings as it should be.
Our house was bustling with family, and Christmas music was being piped through the house. From my recliner in the lounge, I watched the goings on. More than comfortable with not moving as nobody would be happy if I woke the baby that was fast asleep on my chest. This was not the first time I’d found myself in this position over the years. There always seemed to be one of us that ended up sitting holding one of the many babies that had been born into our family over the years.
I marvelled at how much my life had changed over the years and how much had stayed the same. My wife was still as gorgeous as ever at forty-seven, just as she’d been at twenty-seven. She was still Christmas-mad, and we started decorating the first week in November to ensure all the outside lights were up by the first week of December. We were lit up like a beacon the entire month of December into the first week of the new year when we had to take them all down again.
We’d accumulated so many outdoor decorations over the years that I’d built a shed specifically just for them. Our house was a little different to the one I’d grown up in as we’d had to add on as our brood got larger. I’d also added the veranda just as I’d wanted, and much to my surprise, we used it all year round.
The only dark spot on this otherwise happy day was that this was the first year that we wouldn’t have Uncle Colm sitting at our table, and I’d found it harder than expected when he’d passed.
But like he’d told me a few days before he died, he’d lived a good life, seen his children, his grandchildren and some of his great-grandchildren grown. He was tired and ready to go now, which he’d done a few days later when he’d passed away quietly in his sleep. It had hit us all hard, but in the end, we’d made it through as a family, our women pulling us together and getting us through it until we came out the other side.
As if she’d known where my thoughts had taken me, my Sprite appeared next to me with a smile on her face. As always come Christmas, her hair was dyed its usual bright red for the season. Her Christmas clothing came out on the first of December and didn’t get packed away again until the new year. Tonight, she was in one of my favourites, a pair of leggings and a dress that hugged her figure that was a little fuller than when I’d met her but still as sexy as ever. Her brown eyes still sparkling with happiness.
Resting a hand on the back of the baby on my chest. Our great-niece was only a few weeks old and hadn’t been happy at the change in her routine.
Lana smiled before walking around to the other side of my recliner and sitting down on my thigh, leaning against my chest, she rested her head on my shoulder.
“How are you doing?” she asked softly.
“A little sad he’s not here this year, Sprite, but also happy and thankful for all that we have. He may not be here anymore, but he left us with an amazing family. And I have you. You’ve always made my life so much better.”
“And you, my biker man. And guess what?” she smiled cheekily at me.
“We have the house to ourselves tonight, so your night is bound to get even better,” she grinned wickedly, wiggling her arse against me, making me groan under my breath. Aware that I had a sleeping baby on my chest and the last thing we needed was for her to wake up and go back to screaming the house down.