Page 12 of Merry Merry Biker
Tears pricked my eyes at his words. He was right; I had accomplished a lot over the last few years, and I should be proud of myself.
Sitting up straighter in my chair, “You’re right,” I agreed. “I should be proud and I am. I’d still like to travel, though.”
“I tell you what, Sprite, you pick where you want to go, and I’ll take you. That way, I won’t have to worry about you, and I can play tour guide and show you all the good places not on the tourist maps.”
Smiling so hard at his words that my cheeks hurt, I wasn’t sure if this happy feeling was because he didn’t seem to be sick of me yet and wanted to spend more time with me or if it was that I was growing feelings for the sweet, gruff, dangerous man. Either way, I knew I wanted to spend more time with him. Holding out my hand for him to shake, “Deal,” I told him, “You and I’ll go travelling this year. I’m guessing this means you’ll stick around?”
“Yeah, Sprite, I’ll be sticking around. I’d like to get to know my family again and if you’re not sick of me, I’d like to spend more time getting to know you too.”
“I’m not sick of you,” I assured him, squeezing his hand in agreement. I smiled, leaving our clasped hands on the tablebetween us. I went back to eating one-handed, reluctant to let go of his.
I’d heard of instant love but hadn’t believed in it even though I’d seen it with the Crow MC. I wondered what Tommy was feeling. I’d not say anything for now, but I was going to enjoy the next few days with him. We’d have to go and pick up his bike sometime soon as we couldn’t just leave it on the side of the road, but for now, there wasn’t anything pressing calling other than to stuff our faces and veg out in front of the telly and watch Christmas shows for the rest of the day.
It was definitely turning out to be the best Christmas I’d had in years.
God, this woman was too sweet. Definitely too sweet for a broken-down old fucker like me. But I was a selfish fuck, and I was going to take everything she was willing to give me until she got sick of me. Which I hoped wasn’t anytime soon. This definitely was not how I saw my Christmas going, and I wasn’t sure what I’d done to deserve it, but I was going to hold on tight to the gift I’d been given.
It was one of the best Christmas Days I’d had since leaving Uncle Colm’s house. But even those days had been overshadowed by the constant worry that the police would be knocking on our door because someone had fucked up somewhere and been caught. Then, the years I’d spent doing the man-for-hire jobs. Those type of jobs didn’t give you days off. So if I didn’t find myself working on Christmas Day, then I’d find a bar and get drunk with the rest of the lonely souls the world seemed to have all over. It didn’t matter which country you were in, there were always those who didn’t have a family and the big dinner to look forward to. I’d treasure this day in my memories for years to come.
When dinner was finished, we vegged out on the mattress that we’d left on the floor in the lounge as she didn’t have any furniture in here yet. Sprite snuggled up against my chest,arm thrown over my waist, one leg over my hips, perfectly comfortable as she told me what she wanted to do over the next few days—sanding floors and painting so that she could move in properly in the new year. All her furniture was in storage just waiting to be picked up and moved in.
“I’ll help,” I told her, running my fingers through her bright red hair. “It’s been a while, but I think I remember how to hold a paintbrush.”
Titling her head back to look at me, she smiled, “I won’t say no, because it will go much faster with both of us working on it. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Sprite. Told you, I’m not a freeloader.”
Sprite patted me gently on my chest, “I know you’re not, Tommy. Under that dangerous, gruff, grumpy aura you have going on is a good man.”
The fact that she thought that had a lump forming in my throat. Not trusting myself to say anything, I pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
That was another thing I loved about her was that she didn’t need to spend the whole time filling the air with useless chatter. She was just as happy to be quiet, especially when she thought it was needed.
Yep, definitely a day for the memory books.
The rest of the day was spent watching movies, napping, eating leftovers or whatever snack Sprite felt like, and making love. Because that’s what it was with her, whether we went hard and fast or soft and gentle, every time with her, it was making love, not just fucking.
I wasn’t sure when this cold, shrivelled heart started to catch feelings for the gorgeous woman, but somewhere betweentaking a fall off my bike and waking up under her brightly lit Christmas tree with her taking care of me, I’d started to fall for her.
I also knew it would kill me when she decided she’d had enough and kicked me to the kerb, because it would have to be her doing the kicking. I didn’t think there was any way I’d be able to leave her willingly.
But as with most good things, they come to an end.
We’d picked up the lounge late last night and crawled into bed around two in the morning, so this morning we’d been slow to get up and moving.
I’d offered to make the coffee and get breakfast going while she had a shower and got ready for the day. We’d finish off the painting today in the lounge, dining room, and hallway. Sprite only needed one more coat on them all. Then tomorrow, we planned to sand the floors and maybe get a coat of varnish on them. The lounge would have to be done in sections as that was a high traffic area, but I figured we’d get it all done in the next three days, then we’d get the rest of her furniture moved in.
The shower had shut off about ten minutes ago, so I knew Sprite would be out soon. I was just pouring our coffee and could hear Sprite walking down the hallway towards the kitchen when the sound of a vehicle pulling into her yard had me at attention.
Instead of coming towards me, she went to the door, her bright happy voice calling out a bright good morning and Merry Christmas to whoever was out there. My shoulders relaxed slightly at her friendly greeting. But I wouldn’t relax completely until I knew who it was and assessed the danger. It was hard to switch off that part of me.
Leaving our coffee on the counter, I quietly walked towards the slightly open front door that was letting out all the heat. Spritewas assuring whoever it was that she was fine. She still sounded happy, and that went a long way to keeping the beast I had coiled in me calm.
“I’m fine, I promise. Thanks for checking on me, though. I appreciate that you thought of me.”