Page 9 of Vengeful Sins
I’m the only one left alive in the house, after all.
“Anyway, they both ended up wearing me on their tongues.” Carter’s triumphant smile is only in place because Wren got up to grab herself a drink from the soda machine. I can tell he’s been waiting all through lunch to tell that story. As it turns out, both Allie and Alex were hungry for his dick during the party and had taken turns on him until he came across their tongues. Funny how boring the story sounds when I recap it in my head.
What am I going to do, tell him that? Especially when he’s walking around on Cloud Nine, acting like the world’s biggest stud. “That’s, like, bucket list-level shit,” I decide, lifting my fist to bump his when he holds it out.
“Glad I could help you get your dick wet last night.” Briggs shakes his head, laughing dryly. “I should throw more parties. Am I a pimp now?”
“You’re just not used to having house parties,” I remind him. It’s not like we’ve never done that kind of thing before. I’ve probably gotten off in most of my classmates’ bedrooms over the years. But Briggs is usually a visitor, not a host.
“What the hell happened to you last night?” When his attention swings around and lands on me, I wish I had never said anything. He’s only curious, the way any friend would be, but it’s a loaded question. He just doesn’t know it.
“You were talking to a pair of tits attached to a girl with red hair, right? What’s her name? Emma?” Carter shrugs. “Anyway, I would love to fuck those titties. Tell me you did, please.”
“I never thought I’d say this, but you need a hormone suppressant or something.” Briggs laughs, giving him a look that says he’s not completely joking. “You just got done telling us how a pair of blonde twins took turns sucking your dick last night, and you’re hoping Tucker fucked some girl’s tits?”
“Hey, I’m a healthy young man.” Somehow, Carter manages to keep a straight face. “At my sexual peak, let’s not forget. I’m only doing what nature compels me to do.”
“Right. The survival of the species depends on how many faces you spray your cum all over.” Briggs and I share a laugh as Carter rolls his eyes.
Of course, when Wren comes back, that part of the conversation is over. Right now, with the mood I’m in? I kind of wish she had never left the table. Like I want to hear about Carter getting off last night, when I was too pissed off at Maya and myself to do anything but sulk until I went home early.
It was bad enough I was in a shit mood. I didn’t need to be reminded of all the fun I could and should be having. I didn’t need to have it thrown in my face that I was too caught up in the past to enjoy my life right now, with girls throwing themselves at me the way they normally did. I couldn’t find it in me to respond the way I knew I should, so it was better to take myself out of the equation.
Now I’m even more pissed at myself for letting her get to me the way I did.
For letting her ruin my sleep.
I can’t get it out of my head, even as I fight to keep up with the conversation going on around me. Maya wanted it, didn’t she? There isn’t a doubt in my mind. She was there, in the moment with me, practically ready to hump me out on the street when there were still bands of light lingering on the horizon. It wasn’t even dark enough to hide us out there, but she didn’t care. Neither did I.
Not until I felt whatever it was on her leg. Something rough, so different from the smoothness I had felt otherwise. And it had freaked her the fuck out.
That didn’t mean she had to slap me. She had no right to look at me the way she did. To act like I was the problem, like I was scum. She was just as into it as I was. But no, I was the cretin.
“It’s a shame you didn’t decide to have people over tonight, instead,” Wren muses while checking her phone. “It’s just going to get hotter today. I can’t wait to get in the pool when we get home.”
I barely hear half of what she said, since a certain somebody catches my attention out of the corner of my eye.
Right away, there’s an obvious difference between Maya and every other person in the cafeteria: she’s the only one wearing pants. The other girls are in shorts or skirts, since it’s hotter than the devil’s crack outside. I’m in a pair of shorts, sitting in an air-conditioned cafeteria, and I still have the beginnings of swamp ass going on. It’s nasty out there.
But she’s in jeans. Her hair is pulled up in a ponytail that swings back and forth as she hustles her way through the room, grabbing a bottled smoothie before paying for it up at the register. She’s got to be dying in those pants, which, of course, gives me the perfect look at her round, full ass. Fuck, I came so close to touching her last night, didn’t I? I came close to a lot of things.
“I’m going to talk to her.” Wren is already on her feet by the time I register what she said. I can’t exactly tackle her to the floor to keep her from bringing Maya anywhere near me after last night’s disaster, but the idea does occur to me as she walks past on her way to her so-called friend.
“She needs to socialize a little more or something,” I decide, once again losing my appetite at Maya’s presence. I’m going to have to start charging her for the money she’s wasting me in lunches. “She needs some new friends. Maya is not worth it.”
“She does need to meet some new people,” Briggs agrees. “But that’s none of my business. She’s happy being friends with Maya, that’s all that matters.”
If only he knew how wrong he is. “Wren doesn’t need to be hanging around with a girl like Maya.”
“What is it about her?” he asks, sitting back and looking at me like he’s seeing me for the first time. Like we’re strangers, like I’ve ever needed a reason to dislike or even fucking hate somebody. Suddenly, the rules have changed. Wren has, I don’t know, soothed him or something.
“Shit, I’m gonna be late for class,” Carter interrupts things, and I want to thank him once I notice the time. Not because he’s keeping me from being late, but because he’s just the distraction I needed. I’ve never admitted to my friends what happened between us, and I never will. I’m not one of those people who gets off on being humiliated.
It’s a shame I have to rush across the quad in this heat, but my PoliSci professor has a hair up his ass when it comes to people being late. Even though I’m not exactly a nobody around here—if anything, he might want to make an example out of me. I don’t need Dad bitching me out.