Page 54 of Vengeful Sins
I don’t know what’s better: the way she stumbles backward, or the absolute shock on her face when she does before covering her eye with her hand. “Fucking bitch!”
What am I supposed to do when she throws herself at me? The only thing I can do. I vent everything that’s built up in me, everything I’ve locked inside for much too long. The outrage and the pain, the loneliness, the heartbreak. The fear that nobody will ever understand me or want to be around me if they knew what I did.
It all comes out and so much more as I shove, kick, punch, and slap. By the time a pair of hands takes me by the shoulders and pulls me away from her, I’m panting for breath, snarling, ready to fight off whoever stopped me because this feels too damn good.
Only it’s a professor, not a student, and they look pretty pissed. “What is this, a wrestling ring or a school?”
Another professor is holding Tiana, who I have to say looks a lot worse than I feel. Her eye is already swelling shut after I landed that punch, her T-shirt torn at the neck and blood-stained. It’s only when I taste copper on my tongue that I realize it’s my blood, because she busted my lip.
I’ve never felt so triumphant in my life. I could almost sing. I’m so happy, because I felt something. Something real, something brutal and intense. And it’s amazing. I almost want to thank her for giving me the opportunity to experience this rush of pure exhilaration.
Instead, I go along with being led to Mr. Kingsley’s office along with Tiana, who is still grunting in anger by the time we’re dropped off in the waiting area. One of the professors ducks inside and murmurs something—I guess they’re explaining what happened. I hear Mr. Kingsley mutter something in response before his door opens wider to reveal him standing in the doorway, folding his arms as his gaze bounces between me and the girl whose eye has almost swollen shut.
It’s only now that reality trickles in, icy cold, and extremely vivid. Just this morning, the man agreed to let me stay in his house, and now I’m outside his office after getting in a brawl with another girl. There is nothing good about this, no matter how it feels. I think I’m going to be sick. In a flash, I see myself having to go back to Dad’s with my tail between my legs, praying he won’t make life too painful for me. What was I thinking? Since when do I let anything get to me that much?
“Exactly what do you young ladies think you’re doing?” There’s no familiarity in the question. Nobody would ever know I had breakfast in this man’s kitchen, wearing his son’s clothes on top of it. He’s just as stern with me as he is with Tiana.
“I’ll tell you what happened.” Suddenly, Tucker appears, looking a little flushed and winded like he hurried here. Somebody must’ve told him what happened. News travels fast. “Tiana has a problem with me dating Maya. This isn’t the first time she’s tried to start trouble today.”
I’ve never seen anyone look so much like a wounded puppy than the way Tiana does now. “Right,” she whispers. “I’m the bad guy. Like your father would not just believe everything you say.”
“Excuse me, but I think you’ve forgotten I’m standing here,” Headmaster Kingsley murmurs. “I know Tucker would not tell me something like that if there weren’t other people who could back him up. I’m sure there were witnesses?” he asks me. I’m too overwhelmed to say anything, so I settle for nodding. “I’ll ask around and get the full story before making any decisions. Unless, of course, there’s an apology here and now. What do you think, Tiana?” he asks.
I can tell him what she’s thinking. She would rather swallow her tongue than apologize to me for this or anything, but she can’t exactly say that to him. “Sorry,” she grunts without looking at me, instead staring at the floor.
“I accept that,” I murmur, because I know I’m being handed a favor. For a second there, I was sure I’d be thrown out on my ass. I am not about to waste a second chance.
“Very good. Tiana, you can go.” She wastes no time doing what he says, almost fleeing with her arms crossed and her head down. My fist sort of aches from making contact with her face, but I’ll live with it. It’s too satisfying to watch her run the way she is. For once, she didn’t come out on top.
Mr. Kingsley slowly turns toward me next. “And as for you.”
Dammit. I thought I got out of this.
Slowly, I lift my gaze, holding my breath. Maybe this will be when he tells me I need to go. Maybe he didn’t want to embarrass me in front of Tiana.
He exchanges a look with Tucker, who doesn’t say a word. It’s enough for him to shrug. “Take her home,” he decides. “Our house. She’s already been through enough today.”
Wait. What? I would ask, really I would, if Tucker wasn’t in such a hurry to take me by the hand and lead me out.
I’m still sputtering by the time we reach the hall outside the waiting area. “I don’t understand. Why am I not in trouble?” I ask in a whisper.
“For once, can you just take a win?” Tucker glances my way, smirking. “You gave her a black eye, huh?”
“It looks that way,” I admit, my lip throbbing.
“It’s an improvement. And you must have a hell of a punch.” He sounds proud of me as we step outside without me even taking a minute to clean myself up. No, instead, it’s like I’m wearing the blood on my lip as a badge of honor. Proof that I am not to be fucked with.
And all of a sudden, it doesn’t hurt so much anymore.
Ican’t believe how proud I am of her as we drive home. She hasn’t said much, probably because her mouth is bleeding, but somehow, I know she’s proud of herself, too.
She’s also embarrassed. It’s funny how those two emotions can exist at the same time. “Are you sure your dad is not going to kick me out now? Maybe he just didn’t want to do it there, at the school.”
“He is not going to kick you out.” No, if anything, he sees for himself how tough it’s been for her. I’m more than a little ashamed now, knowing I played a part in making her life more unhappy than it already was.