Page 5 of Vengeful Sins
Fuck. I can’t go anywhere or do anything without this bitch showing her face. My nose wrinkles when I sniff the air, looking around. “Does anybody smell something bad out here?” I even throw in a few silent gags to get the point across. I know I’m being immature as fuck, but I don’t give a shit when it comes to her. I need her to know how much I hate her.
Maya rolls her eyes and looks away, folding her arms over herself. Like it’s that easy to ignore me. Like I would allow her to. “Wow,” I hear her murmur to Wren. “This is a huge step up, huh? No more drunk roommates or their asshole friends trying to attack you.”
“I’m really lucky.” Wren wraps an arm around Maya’s and practically glows. “Do you want a drink? Maybe something to eat? I made sure there’s lots of snacks.”
She went a little overboard, actually, but I overheard her saying something to Briggs about how much she always wanted to be able to throw a party with food and drinks and stuff. I guess she never had the chance before.
“Maybe you need a beer.” When I’m not looking, Carter presses an icy bottle into my palm. “You look like you wanna rip somebody’s head off.”
Maybe because that’s how I feel as I pop the cap and take a deep swig. Funny how it does nothing to cool the heat spreading through me. Like somebody lit a fire in my chest. The beer is almost painfully cold, but it does nothing to fight it. Why the hell does she have to be here?
“Eenie, meenie, miney, moe…” Carter nods a little as he goes back and forth between a pair of blonde twins standing on the opposite side of the pool. It’s pretty obvious they know he’s looking from the way they keep tossing their hair and giggling, glancing over. “Allie or Alex?”
“Why not both?” I ask, downing more beer before wiping the back of my hand over my mouth. “I heard they did that once. Or maybe they were just both sucking off the same dude at a party. I heard there was video.” I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Whatever it takes so long as there’s a reason to look away from the girl who’s doing everything she can not to look at me.
Carter chuckles before taking a deep breath, like he’s about to make his move. “Maybe I’ll make my own video tonight.” I almost want to tell him to stay with me, but that would be pathetic. Besides, there are plenty of people around to hang out with… or maybe more, since there’s plenty of willing pussy around, too.
“You can borrow one of my suits! I sort of figured I should get a bunch,” Wren explains to Maya with a laugh. “Since the pool is out here and everything. I haven’t even worn them all yet.”
“To think you didn’t even know how to swim not that long ago.” Briggs winds his arms around Wren’s waist from behind and picks her up off the patio. When she squeals and kicks her feet, the smile drops off of Maya’s face. I’m probably the only onewho notices the way she sort of turns off, goes blank. There’s not even envy or anything like that.
“Put me down!” Wren warns when Briggs inches closer to the edge of the pool. “At least let me put my phone down!”
Instead of throwing her in, Briggs sets her on her feet. “I wasn’t going to, anyway,” he tells her with a smirk.
When Wren turns back to Maya, it’s like Maya turns back on. The light comes into her eyes, and she even stands up straighter. “I really wasn’t planning on doing any swimming,” she explains. She’s so nervous, she keeps picking at the hem of her dress. One of those light, summery dresses, pale blue. Now I can’t help but notice the way it molds itself to her tits. When she turns, the fabric swishes around her thighs and hints at the plump ass underneath.
I need to stop staring at her. Staring at her is what got me in trouble in the first place. Making a list in my head of the parts of her I liked. Maybe if Carter doesn’t end up with the twins, I can take whichever one he doesn’t want. I need to stick my dick in something warm and wet. I’m not feeling particular. So long as it helps me stop thinking of shit I have no business thinking about.
“Oh, come on!” Wren tugs on her hand, like she wants to pull her into the house, but Maya plants her feet. Something is holding her back, and she’s fucking determined.
“What’s the matter?” I call out, finishing off my beer. If it wasn’t my friend’s patio, I would let the empty bottle fall on the ground and shatter for the simple joy of watching her jump in fear. “Are you afraid you’ll dissolve once you hit the water?”
I can always count on Carter to back me up, though I didn’t know he was listening. He’s laughing as he walks past with a red plastic cup in each hand. “Like inThe Wizard of Oz,” he adds, making me nod in response.
“Don’t listen to him.” Wren is determined to keep everything light and friendly and fun. “Really, you’ve been so generous to me. Let me at least lend you a bathing suit.”
“And.” Briggs touches a hand to Maya’s shoulder—I frown before I can help myself. “If you need help learning how to swim, I taught Wren. It’s the easiest thing in the world.”
“I need another beer.” I might need something stronger. Something that will obliterate my thoughts. Erase my memories. Not just tonight, but permanently. There’s a cooler nearby, and I grab another bottle, uncapping it, tossing the cap aside. Draining half the bottle at once does nothing for my mood.
I can’t stop thinking about Briggs putting his hands on her. Teaching her to swim, touching her underwater. He would never betray Wren. I know it would be innocent. That doesn’t keep my stomach from churning when the sound of Briggs’s voice rises over so many others and reminds me of what I can’t get out of my head.
“Leave me alone, or else...”
“Hey, Tucker! Why are you in such a shitty mood tonight?” A redhead with huge tits bounces my way—I don’t recognize her, but then I don’t bother looking at her face. Why would I, with a body like hers in front of me? She’s wearing a white bikini that barely covers anything. I should be hungry for her, especially with the look she’s giving me. She might as well announce she’s ready to have her brains fucked out.
“Does it seem like I’m in a bad mood?” Looking her up and down, I offer a brief grin. “You want to make it better for me?”
Her tongue slides over her glossy lips before her teeth flash in a smile. This is what I need. This is the answer to the brutal restlessness that’s tearing me to pieces.
“You know…” The backs of her fingers brush against my hand before she entwines them with mine. “I’ve never really been around inside the house. Maybe you could give me a tour.”
I should do that. Right now. I’ve got to get rid of this. What is it? Bitterness, anxiety, the feeling like my skin will split if it gets any tighter. I can’t keep my heart from pounding like it’s about to burst out of my chest.
“Oh, why?” It’s Wren’s high-pitched whine that steals my attention from the tits in front of me. “But why, when you just got here? You didn’t even have a drink yet.”
When I glance toward them, Maya looks away. Like she was looking at me and got caught. I should fuck this redhead’s tits while she watches, since she’s so interested in what I do.