Page 8 of Earl
“I have been on several, unfortunately. My friends insist on trying to ‘help me out’ by trying to find someone. The last one was a complete disaster. The guy was too short, and he had a bad comb over that was very obvious and he tried to impress me with his knowledge of world history,”
“On a date?”
“Oh yes. He started talking about Napoleon and World War II in particular. He said he was on the verge of authoring a historical novel based on those two topics.”
“Perhaps he wanted to show you how intellectual and creative he was.”
“And he tried to feel his way between my thighs during dessert.”
Earl’s eyes narrowed. “I hope you ended the date.”
“I dumped strawberries and cream on his lap and walked out.”
“Good for you and it’s also handy to know that touching on the first date is not allowed.”
“You got that right.”
Cathy could not believe she was still talking to him. Justin had practically twisted her arm and threatened her. He had personally set up the app, paid for it with his credit card and told her that if she did not make the most of it, he wanted his money back.
“And don’t you dare tell me that you can well afford to give it back to me. You are going on that app, and you are going to find a damn man. It cannot be all about work for you.”
She had fumed and pouted, but in the end, she had succumbed. And now she was happy she had. For the first time in an exceptionally long time, she was having fun with the opposite sex. Justin did not count, because he was family.
She had shied away from relationships because they had all turned out disastrously. She had a feeling that it was because of the space between them and the anonymity that was making it work so well and whoever came up with this ‘no pressure’ dating deserved a medal.
She was supposed to be working on some designs, but the conversation had gotten so interesting that she had forgotten about work. It was while she was attempting to stifle another yawn that she happened to glance at the bedside clock and noticed with a start that it was close to midnight.
When she mentioned the time to him, he simply sent back a teasing response by asking if her carriage would be turning into a pumpkin at the stroke of the hour.
“No, but some of us have to work.”
“Are you implying that I don’t have that issue?”
“I am simply saying that I need to get my beauty rest.”
She waited for his response and felt a reluctance to get off line.
“It has been a pleasure speaking with you Cathy. Dare I hope we will be doing this again, tomorrow?”
Cathy felt something leap inside her chest at his question.
“Oh, absolutely. I enjoyed every minute of it.
She logged off and closed the lid of her computer. She had showered and changed into a silk embroidered burgundy PJ top and was propped up in bed. The conversation, something she had expected to be a complete waste of time had left her curious and wanting to know more about the man behind the screen.
She was not going to tell Justin yet how much she had enjoyed talking to Earl. When she admitted he was right, there wouldbe no containing his gloating. She would pretend to be merely doing it to satisfy him alone.
A smile touched her lips as she settled back against the pillows. It was amazing that for the first time in a very long time, she had completely enjoyed a date and wondered if the lack of a formal setting, not been face to face with the guy had anything to do with it.
It was ridiculous of course. Even long after the conversation, he was still seated at his desk, mulling over every single aspect of it. He had no idea what she looked like or knew anything about her and yet, here he was unable to get the conversation out of his mind. He was already forming an opinion about her.
And already liking what her very much. He reminded himself that this was just an experiment and one that could go wrong. Also, one that he could step away from any time. They were just talking, getting to know each other.