Page 78 of Earl
“Oh Evelyn, thanks.”
“Now shoo.” She pushed Cathy in the direction of the table with the temptingly delicious looking champagne cake. “It’s time to do the honors.”
“Happy?” Her husband asked her half an hour later after the formalities had dispensed with and they were dancing their first dance as a couple.
“Ecstatic!” She said dreamily. Her hands were wrapped around his neck, and they were swaying to the mellow sound of the live band Evelyn had hired. Their guests include several of the ‘wives’ and their husbands. Justin was in his element, entertaining some of their friends. He had insisted on giving her a toast, much to Earl’s annoyance.
His words had been flowery and intimate, giving no doubt as to his extreme affection for the bride.
He had also issued the warning to the groom that he was not deserving of such fine a woman and if he hurt a hair on her head, Earl would answer to him. He had seen the wisdom of tempering the speech, by adding that Earl was a welcome addition to the family.
“I really ought to boot him from my sister’s house.”
Shaking his head, he smiled at her. “I adore you and because I do, I am going to strive very hard to get along with him.”
“That’s all I am asking.” She peered at him anxiously. “He can be quite annoying.”
“That is putting it mildly. But he is your family, and you are mine, so that makes him mine as well.”
She never thought she could love him any more than she already did.
“I want to get out of here.” She whispered huskily.
He went still at the naked desire on her exquisite face.
She nudged him in the middle and felt his instantaneous reaction. “I don’t think I need to spell it out, but I want to. You are my husband and the love of my life. I want to do things to you that is going to require you taking off all your clothes.”
He had to swallow the lump in his throat. His hands tightened around her waist as he brought her closer to him. “Is that right?”
“Hmm.” Her fingers trailed over his stubborn chin with the slight cleft in the middle. “I want to start with your very adventurous mouth and work my way down to your chest. And then your stomach before using my tongue on that part of you that never fails to drive me crazy.”
He was painfully hard, and his clothing felt as if it was cutting off his air. “I think it’s time we said our goodbyes.” He whispered thickly.
He never revealed their honeymoon destination. Only kept saying that it was somewhere isolated, away from the nosy paparazzi. And that they would be taking a helicopter ride. He also said they would be away for a week.
“I wanted to swing for two weeks, but I have a damn meeting in Turkey that I cannot get out of.”
She was fine with a week because she had things to take care of as well. And spending an uninterrupted week with him sounded like heaven.
“We probably won’t need clothing, but just in case, I had Mrs. Greene pack some things.”
Now they were in what she could only describe as a fairytale cottage in the middle of nowhere. It had snowed sometime in the morning or last night and lent a certain frosty beauty to the already sparkling wonder of the place. A car had been left out on the field where the helicopter had landed, the keys on the hood.
“Who owns the place?”
“A friend.” He had brought their bags in. “It is a getaway haven for him. He is a script writer and sometimes when he wants to be alone to gather his thoughts, he comes here.” Moving behind her, he wrapped his hands around her waist.
“It’s pretty isolated and what if there are bears?”
His mouth was busy at her neck, his lips curling into a smile at her question. “Since it’s winter, I do believe they are hibernating.”
“Not all of them. One or two might decide that this whole hibernation is stupid and come wandering out to look for human food.”