Page 72 of Earl
She dumped carrots in and sent him an exasperated look. “Hand me the celery.”
He did and plopped down on a stool, his expression belligerent.
“Neither of us want the publicity and the circus. I want to get married with the people I care about attending, not a whole bunch of strangers.”
“Whose idea was that?”
“His and mine.”
“More his, I am guessing.”
“What is your problem? Why are you not happy for me?”
“Normally, I would be dancing around naked, whooping it up and high fiving you for bagging one of the richest men in the world, but I am suspicious. Why the hurry?”
“Because we want to spend the rest of our lives together and we do not want to wait. Now, if there is nothing else, I would likeyou to leave me in peace to finish the dinner and get ready for later.”
“I brought a change of clothes.” He informed her sullenly. “And I am here to help.”
“Only, you are not doing that. All you have done so far is criticize Earl and his motives.”
“Okay fine.” He threw up his hands and slid off the stool. “The place needs tidying up. Why on earth didn’t you have the maid service come over.”
She stared at him and had to resist the urge to dump the glass of wine he had poured over his head. “They came yesterday afternoon. All that is needed to be done is to set the table. Oh, and Justin? You are behaving like an asshole.”
She should have known that Justin would not be on his best behavior. After she had told him off, he had remained silent and helped to get things ready.
Half an hour before Earl and Teresa arrived, he used the guest bedroom to get ready and approved of the outfit she had chosen. The red and gold cashmere dress wasn’t one of her designs but was something she had picked up on one of her travels to Paris.
She had finally found the time to go to the salon and her hair was brushed sleekly back from her face, into a single braid at the back of her head.
She was also nervous. She wanted the man she was in love with and who would soon be her husband to get along with her friends, especially Justin. Just was her best friend and sibling all rolled into one and his opinion meant the world to her.
She could never bear him not liking the man she was in love with.
“You look good enough to eat,” Earl murmured as soon as she opened the door to admit him.
“I think that’s the stew you are smelling.” Wrapping her hands around his neck, she settled into the kiss that had her molding herself against him.
“How soon…”
“Darling, you need to close the door, you are letting the heat out.” Justin drawled behind them. “And dinner is getting cold. Drummond.”
“Moncrieffe.” Earl’s hands tightened around her waist, his expression turning cool.
“Teresa is already on her second glass of wine. We should stop her while she is halfway sober.”
“I heard that, you pile of… Oh! Hi.” Moving forward, Teresa, held out a hand towards Earl.
Without letting go of Cathy, he gripped her hand in greeting and smiled charmingly.
“Let’s go into the dining room.” Cathy suggested.
She had seated Justin to her right and Earl to her left, next to Teresa to avoid the usual fireworks between the two, but for the first time, Justin had found a new target.
His animosity towards Earl was subtle, but evident. And he used his misplaced jealousy by excluding both Earl and Teresa effectively as he brought up stories of when they were living at the group home.