Page 45 of Earl
He shot her a retiring look. “You are such a bitch.”
She laughed, bringing their clasped hands to her lips, and kissing his. “I love you.”
“I know.” Squeezing her hand, he let go, so he could navigate the traffic leading into the hotel parking lot. “And we are here. Hell, it is going to be a crush.”
Earl had not wanted to come. He would have much preferred burying himself in work, instead of being out in public. He had not been out much, except for business luncheons and dinners and only because it was required of him.
He knew Diana was disappointed that he was not taking her up on her invitation which had gone from nonverbal to verbal.
“I know you have not been with anyone since our breakup, and I also know you said we are over where that is concerned. But we are both alone, it could just be physical, that’s it. Just sex to alleviate the buildup of tension. I promise not to read anything more into it.”
But he had firmly declined. He did not have the heart; the inclination wasn’t there. He was restless and unhappy, more so than ever. And he realized the source, but did not want to acknowledge it. If he was being honest with himself, he was missing someone he had never met and that was the entirety of the matter.
He would make his obligatory appearance tonight, mingle and drink some champagne and then head back to his lonely apartment. Diana was his date, and she was thrilled to be attending the event of the year. She was also hoping he was going to change his mind.
Diana, looking very lovely in emerald, green, was constantly at his side, even when he went to the bar. He was half listening toa Texan oil man touting on about his well coming in, when he noticed the commotion at the entrance. Lifting his head idly, he was transfixed as much as most of the men in the room when the couple came walking in.
He recognized them immediately, realizing that the male was Justin Moncrieffe the model and the woman with him was some designer who had been photographed on billboards all over town. But there was something nagging him about the woman. What the hell was it? He wondered as he continued to stare at them.
She was also with some other guy, who was perhaps her date. After giving the man a cursory disinterested look, his gaze flitted back to the female.
Tearing his gaze from the enchanting figure, he smiled at the petite woman who was demanding his attention.
“Monique. How are you?”
“Wonderful.” She touched his arm briefly. “I would have been very disappointed if you had not turned up.”
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” He lied charmingly.
Flicking a glance at Diana, she returned her attention to him. “Your company has been very generous to the cause and the girls, and I would like to personally thank you.” ‘The girls’ as she referred to them, were actually the very powerful wives of some of the richest men in the world.
“No thanks are necessary,” he told her smoothly.
But her attention was on something over his left shoulder.
“I don’t think you ever met my friend and our very prolific designer.”
He turned to see the woman coming towards them and felt his heartbeat quickening.
“No, I haven’t.”
“Cathy, you look ravishing.”
The name struck him and even without her speaking, he knew instinctively that it was her!
“This is Earl Drummond…” Introductions were made, but the two people did not hear the rest of it. He saw when she made the connection, saw when her eyes widened as she stared at him accusingly. When he spoke, his voice gave him away.
He extended a hand to her, and he had a feeling that if it would not have called attention to them, she would have refused to shake it. But as soon as contact was made, she withdrew her hand as if touching something vile. Turning away from him, she spoke to Monique, deliberately introducing Byron as her boyfriend.
His head lifted to see the model staring at him contemplatively, eyes skimming over his face, knowingly. He knew that the man was gay and wondered what his relationship was with her. He had to get her by herself to explain – explain what? That he was a damned coward and had ended something that could have been wonderful?
He almost reacted when she turned away and went into the opposite direction with the two men.
“Byron, could you give us a minute? I need to discuss something personal with Cat.” Justin gave the man no choice as he steered Cathy over to one of the sofas tucked under the towering windows in the hotel ballroom. Snagging two flutes of champagne, he handed her one as he took his seat next to her.