Page 21 of Earl
In the past, whenever he had to travel, he would be armed to the teeth with business prospectus and contracts, all of which would occupy his very fertile mind until he arrived at his destination.
But this time it was different. He was different. The only thing occupying his mind was her. The conversations they had. The sound and texture of her voice. Her full, rich laugh. The way she had about her. The dry acerbic wit that kept him laughing.
It was strange that they had not spoken of anything of consequence. He knew she had been hurt and that she was thirty-two. He knew she had a very good career, and she seemed to love what she did.
She was also an art lover, because she had told him about visiting several art galleries and museums and had raved over Jackson Colby’s paintings and how she had met the man a few years ago.
He wondered what she would make of the fact that the famous artist was a personal friend of his and that they belonged to the same club. He wanted to tell her who he really was but had been reluctant. He certainly did not want his wealth or status coming between them.
Or was that the real reason? A voice taunted him. In the past, women had been impressed by your vast wealth and what you could offer them. Wasn’t it a fact that you were hoping this was different and that was the real reason you were keeping it a secret?
“Yes.” He whispered; a bleak looks on his face. He wanted to be loved for himself. Wanted a woman to want to be with him without expecting anything in return. He had made a vast error in judgment over Diana. She had fooled him with her demure personality and her eagerness to please him.
She had told him all he wanted to hear about the desire to be a mother and his wife. She had turned out to be a scheming faithless bitch who had been using him. He had thought he was in love with her, but it had been incredibly easy to turn his back and walk away.
It disturbed him that what he was starting to feel for this stranger was far more than what he had ever felt for another woman, including one he had contemplated marrying. And if she turned out to be duplicitous, it would break him into pieces.
His sister warned him to take it slow and be cautious.
“Remember what happened the last time,” she warned, as if he was in danger of forgetting.
“You were the one who forced the app on me.”
“I wanted to get you out of the doldrums.”
“Well, you succeeded.”
“But I do not want to see you hurt again Earl, I couldn’t bear it. Take it slow. Heed her wishes to stretch it out before meeting her. You said yourself that you enjoy talking with her. Leave it at that for now. Get to know her before you do something you will regret. She doesn’t know who you really are.
She probably thinks you are an ordinary guy. Let that play out for a while. What is she going to think when she realizes you are the Earl Drummond?”
And that is what he was afraid of.
She spoke to him with the ease of a stranger. Their conversations were not stilted, but heartfelt and candid. And he loved that. In his line of work and considering who he was, people wore masks. They never knew how to really behave around him.
They told him what he wanted to hear. He was bored by the constant willingness to please him, especially the opposite sex.
His money was like a nectar beckoning the bee – the idea of becoming his wife was irresistible for more reasons than one. And he found it a hell of a lot inconvenient. He wanted normalcy, something he could never have.
He was recognized wherever he went. He had been on the covers of several magazines. But for the first time in his life, he was wishing he was someone else.
Chapter 5
“I have a party to attend tonight.”
“Should I be jealous?”
“I don’t know Earl, should you be?” She countered, plucking at the sheets. He had texted her that he was in a meeting and would be finishing up at six thirty.
“I would appreciate it if you would wait up for my call.”
So, she had. She had used the time to work on her designs and waited with bated breath and an excitement that she found disturbing.
“Assure me it will be girlfriends accompanying you to this party and I can sleep well.” His deep voice was doing alarming things to her insides and playing havoc with her senses.
“I am not involved with anyone, remember?”
“What if you go to this party and meet someone?”