Page 41 of Broken Strings
Riley's expression softens as she glances between the two of us. "I like the two of you together," she admits, her dimples popping out. "You're both insane, but it works for you. You look happy. Both of you."
"We are," I whisper, swallowing hard. For the first time in a long goddamn time, I actually know what happiness feels like. It's…peaceful. Easy. It's Mina's fingers laced with mine, our future stretching before us.
Goddamn, it feels good.
"Does this mean they're going on tour with you?"
I freeze at the question, my body going rigid. Fucking hell. I forgot all about the tour. For a minute, panic surges through me, turning my blood to ice. I can't go on tour. I can't leave. I need to be here with them. I just got them back. If I leave now…
"Yes," Mina says, her soft voice slicing through the panic.
I suck in a desperate breath, gripping her fingers tight as panic dissolves to bliss.
"Good." Riley smiles. "I'll start making calls then."
I exhale a grateful breath, relieved as hell she's in our corner.
"No!" Brinley screams, stomping her foot as tears well in her eyes. "No, Daddy!"
"Brinley baby," I croon, kneeling in front of her. "Easy, baby girl."
She shoves me away, screaming again.
"Brinley Grace, you stop that right now," Mina says.
"You promised!" Brinley yells, glaring at her mom and then at me. "You promised we were going to be a family again!"
"Baby girl." My heart clenches in my chest, threatening to shatter. Fucking hell, she's killing me. "Please, listen to me."
"I don't want to l-listen," she sobs. "You're leaving me again."
"Baby, no." I drag her into my arms, holding her tight. "I'm not leaving you. You and your mama are coming with me. You hear me? You're coming with me."
Her little body shakes in my arms. "I'm c-coming with you?"
"Yeah, baby girl," I whisper, running my hands through her fiery hair. "You and your mommy are going to come on tour with me. It'll be a little adventure."
"Really?" She pulls back to look at me, her watery green eyes rife with suspicion. "I get to c-come?"
"You get to come." I bump my forehead gently against hers and smile. "You even get to go to school on the road."
Apparently, this is not good news to her. Her expression morphs into a scowl as she glances between me and her mom. "I have to do school on the road?"
"Yes, ma'am," Mina says, her voice firm. "You do if you want to go on tour with your daddy."
Brinley chews on her quivering bottom lip. "Do I have to do it all day?"
"You have to do it as long as it takes," Mina says.
Our daughter huffs. "But how long is that, Mommy?"
"As long as it takes, Brinley Grace."
I bite my lip, fighting a smile. Jesus Christ. She's just fucking like Mina. The two of them are going to be fire and ice when she's a teenager. I can already see it happening.
"Fine." Brinley looks at me with wide, innocent eyes. "Can I still meet Kasen, Daddy?"
A growl rumbles from my lips. "No."