Page 21 of Broken Strings
"I got swindled so bad," I whisper.
"I'll make it happen," she promises, still laughing. "He owes me for putting up with him anyway." And then she sobers. "How did she take it otherwise?"
"Surprisingly well. I expected tears and screaming. Instead, she just…accepted it."
"Kids are sometimes more resilient than we are."
"Yeah," I say softly, glancing around at my dad's office. Even though he isn't here, the office is still steeped in his personality. His books still line the shelves. His sad, beige tones still cover the walls. Nothing here feels like me. "Do you really think I can run this company?"
"I think the real question is, do you want to run this company?"
"No," I whisper. "I really, really don't. My dad was…complicated." I grimace at the word, my conversation with Brinley floating to the surface of my mind. She was right. Things between us were complicated and he did make me sad. He made me sad long before I met Grayson. I just never realized how lonely I was fighting against his vision for my life until I had Grayson telling me that I could be anything I wanted. He gave me strength when mine was flagging. He gave me hope when mine started to dwindle. He changed my life in ways I don't think he even realizes. "He left me the company to force me back here. He loved trying to control my life. I don't want to spend the rest of it dancing on his strings."
"Then don't." Riley shrugs. "Find someone to dance in your place. Sell it off. Do what you want. This is Nashville, Mina. And you have a company full of the best entertainment lawyers in the country music industry. Believe me, if you dangle the hook, they'll come running to snap this place up."
"What about your artists? Whoever buys me out could gut this place."
"My people will be fine. I've been terrorizing this town since I was a little girl." She shoots me a sly smile. "And I married a freaking billionaire. Regardless of who buys you out, I'll have mine taken care of," she says. "I was hoping you'd keep thecompany for purely selfish reasons. I'm tired of being one of the only young, fashionable female CEOs around here. This is still a Boy's Club. I just elbowed my way in and refused to leave."
Once upon a time, I wanted to be just like her. When I married Grayson, I had big plans for my life. I was going to conquer every single one of my dreams with him at my side. He made me believe I could do it. Even in our tiny apartment, I felt like the world was at our feet. He made me feel that way.
I never once missed my father's money or his mansion. I had everything I needed with Grayson. If there's a chance, no matter how miniscule, of recapturing that…don't I owe it to us to find out?
I was brave enough to leave everything behind for him once. I threw caution to the wind and followed my heart. And for a brief moment in time, we had everything. At least, I thought we did. Things don't seem as clear anymore. There are so many pieces missing, so much I don't know. Maybe he did leave. Maybe he's telling the truth, and he did wake up in a hospital with no memories. I don't know.
But I have to find out. For Brinley's sake. For my sake. And for his. Because regardless of where he's been…he's here now. And when he left my office yesterday, he didn't walk away like a man who spent all those years separated from me willingly. He walked away like a man who was losing everything all over again.
And if anyone can understand how that feels, I can. I do.
"Do you know where I can find Grayson?" I ask Riley, praying that, whatever happens, I'm strong enough to protect Brinley. If my heart ends up crushed, I'll take that risk. But I can't risk hers. She deserves to know her daddy. And she deserves to be loved. I'll protect her. I'll always protect her.
"Promise not to shoot the messenger?" Riley asks in response, nibbling on her bottom lip.
My brows furrow in confusion, and then I groan as realization dawns. Of course. "He's in the parking lot, isn't he?"
She bobs her head in a nod. "In his defense, I don't think he's stalking you," she says quietly. "I think he just doesn't know what else to do with himself right now. It's either this or drink. And he picked drinking yesterday."
Chapter Seven
"You gotta stop sitting outside her office, brother," Memphis says into the phone. "Go home. Get some sleep. Go to practice."
"You missed practice yesterday too," I remind him.
"Yeah, well, that was yesterday. It's a brand-new day. Have you been home at all?"
"She is my home," I growl.
Memphis sighs. "Yeah? You think a judge is going to buy that when you get hauled in front of one for stalking?"
"I already told you motherfuckers, I'm not stalking her," I mutter, staring at the chrome and glass building like I can see her through the damn walls. "I'm just keeping an eye on her."
"Right, since she won't let you close," he says, the same shit I told him, Riley, Cash, and Dalton Grady yesterday. Don't think they believed me but fuck it. I don't really care. My home is where she is. It's where my daughter is. And since I'm not allowed to be with them, this is the best I can do.
I know how it looks. I realize how fucked up it sounds. But I just spent years away from her without my consent. Now, she's right here again. I can't just drive away and pretend that everything is fine. It's not fucking fine. I haven't been living for six years. I've been in purgatory. The gates are finally open. I'm finally free. Heaven is right fucking there.
And I'm supposed to just…what? Turn around and take a goddamn seat?