Page 26 of Beauty and the Bosshole
“Go back to sleep,” Reese’s groggy voice says beside me.
“Why is the sun so bright?” I ask, finally turning my back on it.
“I figured you had a few too many to drink. That's why I loaded you up on aspirin and water before bed,” he explains with a flirty smirk.
“Well, it didn’t work. My head is still pounding,” I groan. “How did we get back to the hotel?”
His whole body stiffens. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
I search my brain through the haze of drinks, bright lights, and loud music.
“I was up over three hundred dollars at the casino where you taught me blackjack, and then you said you wanted to show me something. I don’t remember anything after that. I’ve never gotten black-out drunk in my life,” I groan.
“Why don’t you take a shower and drink some water? I’ll order breakfast for us.” He rolls out of bed.
“Breakfast burritos and greasy bacon sounds like heaven,” I say and sit up.
I head into the bathroom and take the longest pee known to man before hopping into the steamy shower. Still half-asleep, I dry off, slip on a lush, oversized robe, and just stare at myself in the mirror.
“Why did you drink so much, and what don’t you remember?” I ask my weary reflection, taking in my bloodshot eyes before looking down at my hand.
There is a large shiny diamond and a band that I’ve never seen before, and it sits on the ring finger of my left hand.
What the hell?
I fling open the bathroom door and march out to the main area of the suite just as Reese is hanging up the phone, I assume from ordering room service.
“What is this?” I ask, holding up my left hand and pointing to the massive ring on my finger.
“That would be your ring,” he says, leaning against the back of the couch.
“It’s not mine. I’ve never seen it before. And why is it on mylefthand?”
If I wasn’t looking at him, I’d have missed the fraction of a second when his eyes darted from my face to the table behind me and back. When I turn to look at the table, there are a few papers on it, so I march over there and pick them up.
The paperwork from Reese for buying the ring set is on top. The next paper is a marriage license from the hotel we were at when he was teaching me to play blackjack. His name and mine are boldly written on it.
“Please tell me this is one of those ‘for fun’ marriage places and we did it as a joke. Please tell me we didn’t get married yesterday,” I plead.
When I turn to look back at him, he is watching me but not saying anything.
“Say something!” I yell back.
“I’m not going to lie to you. We did get married. It wasn’t until afterward that I realized how drunk you were, so we didn’t do anything but sleep in that bed last night.” He stalks toward me. “But make no mistake, we will consummate this marriage, and soon… my wife.”
Chapter Nine
I lick my lips after uttering the word ‘consummate’, like I’ve just taken a bite of the world’s most expensive truffle.
Watching her puzzle through the deluge of emotions surrounding our recent nuptials, as she plows through the room service breakfast buffet I ordered for her, is bringing me more joy than I think I’ve felt in my lifetime.
Her hair is still damp from the shower she took while I ordered food, shining under the crystal lights hanging above the table.
“Sogood,” she mumbles around a bite of the burrito she’s dipping in sriracha sauce. She just looks so… happy.
I also have a new appreciation for limp bacon. Watching how she eats it has me thinking of the incredible things her mouth is going to do to my cock very soon.