Page 14 of Beauty and the Bosshole
“Reese.” She licks her lips, chest heaving with each breath she takes. I’ve met my match with her. I don’t have to know what Ava’s favorite color is or how she prefers her coffee. She’s mine and she’ll always be mine.
“Damn that mouth of yours, Ava. I’m going to take it again and again.” The last thing I want to do is pull away from the moment, except I know if I don’t, Tara will give me a ration of shit, owner of the private jet or not. There are some areas in life even I can’t get away with.
“We are now preparing to land,” Tara announces, but whether that’s for my benefit or hers, who knows and who fucking cares. I settle back in my seat, needing to deal with my own belt. My eyes only leave Ava’s for a moment, and I see her nerves taking hold. Her hands are curling around the fabric of her dress, so I reach my hand out for the one that’s closest to me just as there’s a drop in elevation.
“Oh God.” My hand grips hers, bringing it up to my lips.
“You’re okay, Ava. I won’t let anything happen to you.” The noise of the jet gets louder when the wheels engage. Her eyes close and damn am I tempted to keep her occupied another way. “A few more minutes and it’ll be over. Think about what I said, Ava. The minute we’re alone, what I described is only the tip ofthe fucking iceberg. You’ll be going to sleep with me every night and waking up with me every morning from now on.”
I’m greeted by her green eyes. She looks taken aback by my statement. It also does the job. When we land smoothly on the tarmac, she’s so focused on me that Ava doesn’t realize the jet is no longer moving or that the light is off for us to move around.
“Reese, you can’t really mean that.” My response is halted when Tara walks through the cabin. Realization hits her face, and she slowly backs away.
“I more than mean it, and I’m going to prove it the minute we’re at the hotel.” A click of my belt, then Ava’s, and she gets with the program. I stand up, holding my hand out for Ava, and she takes mine without a second thought.
“Mr. Donovan, I’ve already arranged for your bags to be delivered to your car.” Tara appears with Andrew, and after a quick nod to them, I’m escorting Ava toward the exit. Goddamn this woman. Each step she takes in front of me only amplifies the sway of Ava’s hips, and my cock is enjoying every damn minute.
“Thank you, Tara.”
“We’ll be ready for your call,” Andrew lets me know. I’m not sure how long we’ll be staying, probably until the job is done, or if I have it my way until Ava knows exactly how I’m planning to make her mine.
“I appreciate it, Andrew.” We nod, a mutual understanding. Andrew has been my pilot long enough that he’s used to how I operate. Ava stands next to me quietly, her hand still in mine, and I see the slight uptick of Andrew’s lips. He’s lucky I don’t call him out on it; the only person holding me back is the woman standing next to me. While there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Ava, there’s one thing I wouldn’t do to her and that’s embarrass her.
“Of course,” he replies, and Ava must sense the conversation is over. Her hand is in mine, and with her hold, I’m following Ava. Never in my life would I let anyone lead me anywhere, but withher, it seems I’ll follow her anywhere she goes. Each step down the airstairs with me behind Ava only makes me want to fuck her more. Our trip to the hotel is going to be a testament of my patience, that’s for sure.
“Don’t you dare,” I mutter into Ava’s ear as she reaches for the handle of the passenger door. I’m having second thoughts about not hiring a car to drive us through the city. Now I’m going to have to concentrate on the road as well as keeping my hands off of Ava.
“Oh, are you going to get my door for me?” She moves off to the side, a hip cocked and playful smile sent my way.
“You’re damn right I am.” Ava doesn’t respond, but one isn’t necessary as she slides into the seat. That damn skirt of hers slides up her thighs and she does nothing to pull it down. “Seatbelt.” Thankfully, she takes care of it this time.
“Yes, sir.” Her damn sass… I shake my head, watch as she puts on the belt, and then I close the door. My phone vibrates in my pocket while I walk around the hood of the car, glancing at Ava. She’s looking right at me, I lick my lips, watching as a blush blossoms along her cheeks again, and only when I wink does she look away. The phone stops, then starts right back up. There’s only one person besides my cousin who would be this goddamn incessant, and that’s Declan. I dig in my pocket, grabbing the device as I open the driver’s side door and slide inside. Lucky for us, the car is already started, air conditioning blasting, and all I’ve got to do is answer this call.
“I’ve got to answer this. If I don’t, he’ll only keep pestering me. Him and Olivia both,” I grumble.
“You don’t have to explain your every move to me, Reese.” She’s wrong about that, and we’ll talk about the subject later. I put the car in drive, Declan’s call now ringing through the car, and Ava reaches for the display and hits the accept button.
“You’re on speaker, Declan,” I announce the second the call is put through. The palm of my hand goes to the inside of Ava’s thigh. A small gasp escapes her, and I cough to cover it up.
“Got it,” he responds. Meanwhile, I’m driving with one hand on the steering wheel and the other sliding closer and closer to Ava’s pussy. Especially when she spreads her thighs open for me. Fuck yeah. I can feel the heat coming from her, and I’m going to soon find out if she put her panties back on or if she soaked them through so much that she had to leave them off.
Chapter Six
I am never, ever,evertaking Xanax ever again. That right there is the Devil’s work. Those stupid little pills were supposed to chill me out, stop me from hyperventilating when Reese’s toy plane took off, and help me maintain the tiniest scrap of dignity. That was the line I was sold.
Instead, they had me spouting confessions like a truth serum. And not just any confessions! Oh, no.
Yes. I have used the toys, and yes, I thought of you when I used them.
Kill. Me. Now.
I bet they weren’t even Xanax at all. Bet there was some mix-up at the pharmacy, and now I’m tripping balls on some mystery pills as my smoking hot boss drives us into Las Vegas. Perfect.
“Comfortable?” Reese glances at me with a flash of those piercing eyes as soon as he’s done wrangling that Declan guy. Something about needing a new plus-sized model for the Aurora ad campaign? I wasn’t really listening. All I know is Reese put both hands back on the wheel while they talked, and with his touch gone from my body, cold reality crept back in.
Here’s another thing I’ve learned about the famous CEO of Aurora since starting this job: everyone wants a piece of him. Barely a minute goes by in the office without someone reaching out for a favor, or begging for help putting out some PR fire, or asking for investment. I hate to say it, but it almost makes me understand why Reese is so antisocial and cranky. I’d feel used after a while, too.