Page 39 of Keep Me
“Never have I ever…been cheated on.”
I don’t know why I say that. It’s a risky and strange thing to say in this crowd, considering what happens every time we’re together. But I figure it’s the only one I know I can say, mostly because I’ve never had a real relationship to cheat on. To my surprise, quite a few people drink—including Sylvie.
Something about that irritates me.
Angus doesn’t drink though. I do notice that.
Again, I force myself not to look at his wife, Claire.
When Nick’s girlfriend notices Sylvie drinking, she asks, “I assume it wasn’t Killian.”
Sylvie shakes her head. “No. My stupid ex. Caught him fucking my best friend.”
“Oh shite,” someone replies.
“What did you do?” one of the women asks.
Sylvie sits up proudly. “I threw scalding hot coffee on his back. Gave him second-degree burns.”
The corner of my mouth lifts in a smile.
After about three rounds of that game, it becomes glaringly obvious that we are not in our twenties anymore. We’re all smashed. After I get up to use the restroom, I come back to find Liam sitting closer to Sylvie than I was.
He’s laughing, clearly toasted. She’s wearing a forced, hesitant smile that makes me want to scream.
“Sylvie,” I bellow. They both turn to stare at me. “It’s time for bed.”
Her brows pinch inward, clearly surprised at me trying to tell her what to do. But if I drink anymore, I’ll end up passed out on the floor again, and I can’t leave her down here with Liam in this state.
It takes her a moment of my harsh gaze before she realizes that she can’t stay down here without me. As she stands, I take her arm in mine. She glares up at me with frustration.
“We’re off to bed,” I tell our friends. “Everyone sleep well, and if you need anything, the staff will be here bright and early.”
The crowd says good night as I practically drag Sylvie out of the room and toward the staircase.
“Let go of me,” she whispers as we reach the stairs.
I let go, although I don’t want to.
When we reach the second floor, she goes left, so I grab her arm again. “You’re sleeping with me tonight.”
She rears back and stares at me with ghastly shock. “The fuck I am,” she replies in a hasty whisper.
I drag her closer until my mouth is near hers. “I’m not leaving you alone. Liam is too drunk, and he has eyes for you.”
“I don’t care,” she replies with disgust. “I’ll lock my door.”
“We’re supposed to be married, Sylvie. What will they think if they see you sleeping in a separate room?”
I don’t know why I’m so desperate about this. I truly am worried about Liam. I’ve known the man a long time, and as wild as things get at our parties, I’ve never known him to be the kind to hurt or violate someone. But with the way he was talking about her tonight, I can’t stand the thought of her and him together.
Sylvie lets out a sigh. “You’re not going to give this up, are you?”
I shake my head.
“Fine.” She jerks her arm out of my grasp and moves toward her room. When I grab her again, she looks back at me in shock. “I have to get some pajamas. I’m not sleeping near you naked.”