Page 22 of Keep Me
“Of course, in public,” Anna adds, “you would need to be convincing as a couple.”
I let out a sigh and grind my molars at the thought. I can do that. For a few hours, I can at least pretend that he’s not a complete pigheaded asshole.
“You can handle that. Can’t you, darling?”
I glance at Killian, wondering if he can read my mind.
“How hard could it be?” I reply with a forced smile.
Every time Killian and I speak to each other, I notice Anna’s discomfort grows. She’s clearly recognizing just how poorly he and I get along and that this might actually be a terrible idea, which for the record, I tried to warn her about.
“Killian, why don’t you take Sylvie for a little walk around the garden? Spend some time getting to know each other. You two can discuss your personal terms, and I’ll just wait here, looking over some paperwork.”
I turn my attention to Killian on the couch and notice the way his eyes burn with skepticism. I suddenly remember how,on that day I broke into the house, he kept insisting I was a spy for his sister. What on earth does he really think she’s going to do while she’s here? I mean, she’s already walked in on his orgy. What more could he be hiding?
“I think that’s a fantastic idea,” he says as he stands from the couch. His tone is dripping with sarcasm. “Come on, darling.”
With a roll of my eyes, I stand from the chair and look at him, waiting for him to lead the way.
Looking miserable, he walks toward the large French doors that lead to the garden behind the house. I never saw this part when we drove up over a month ago. Plus it was raining then, so I missed the gorgeous view.
Barclay Manor sits in the middle of a sprawling countryside. The garden behind the house is expansive and mostly flat before it leads to a large body of water with rolling hills and trees in the distance.
For a girl who grew up in Manhattan, this feels epic and overwhelming. The world felt much smaller in the city. We could only see as far as the building in front of us. Even in the high-rise apartments and rooftops, it felt like my view was limited to the edge of town. Breathtaking nonetheless, the views in New York are nothing like the views here.
It makes me feel even smaller. One puny human in the grand scheme of things. Insignificant and useless.
“Come on,” Killian says with a growl as he makes his way down the stairs to the manicured garden below. “It’s not raining today, so we better make the best use of it before it does.”
I let out a cynical laugh. “And what exactly would be the best use of it?”
He directs an arched brow toward me. “We’re supposed to be gettin’ to know each other, remember?”
“Okay, so what would you like to know?” I ask.
He stops and stares down at me. “Why the fuck would you agree to this? You must really be out of your mind.”
I scoff. “Why wouldyouagree to it? Your sister told me you thought I was rude and mean.”
“Oh, you are, darling,” he says with a chuckle.
“Then why me? Why would you agree to marry me if you hate me so much?”
He steps toward me, crowding me toward the gray stone wall. His tall frame blocks the sun from my eyes, casting him in a shadow.
“Because as soon as the year is up, I don’t want to have a wife anymore. As soon as my family sees that I’m a changed man, they’ll leave me be, and I can stay in my house without them meddling in my business.
“So, I’d rather marry a selfish, rude, ugly, entitled cow like you so I never have to worry about hurting your feelings or wanting to make you happy. We stay our separate ways and get through the next twelve months without having to see each other much. Do we have a deal?”
My blood has never been hotter.
“Deal,” I mutter through my clenched teeth.
As he turns away to continue our stroll through the yard, I add, “You do realize you can’t keep fucking the staff if we’re married, right?”
He huffs, letting his head hang back with an amused grin as he turns back toward me. “I’ll fuck anyone I please, and you’ll keep your mouth shut about it, or you’ll risk us both losing what was promised to us.”
“Oh, so you get to have your fun, but I don’t?” I argue, stepping up to him. I don’t care that he’s almost twice my size or that he could bend me in half with one hand. I refuse to let this giant brute manipulate me or have his way while I’m stuck asking for a ride and being watched like a child for the next year.