Page 19 of A Wife by Christmas
“I’m just … I don’t even know what I’m thinking right now.” She leaned back against him. “I knew they were going to show up at the festival tonight, but when we didn’t see them, I didn’t know if they’d gone early or intended to go later.”
He stroked her stomach and Cathy closed her eyes, enjoying the closeness of his touch.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I’ve already got my guy to start drawing up the paperwork. All you’ve got to do is give him the figure as well as the receipts, and he’ll handle everything.”
“He will?” She wasn’t used to having anyone do anything for her.
“Yeah. I figured we could head out to the club tomorrow, depending on this snow. What do you think?”
“I think it sounds great. Can I really invoice them?” she asked.
“Yeah, you paid and they fucked you over.”
Brick let her go and quickly moved to the stove to turn off the kettle. They were about to settle in for a nice mug of hot chocolate. She’d made a batch of her special blend the other day, then put all the chocolatey ingredients into one container, andshe took a measurement out of each. This is what she enjoyed doing.
“Thank you,” Cathy said, opening the fridge to grab some cream to add as a little bit of luxury to the drink.
“For standing up for me out there.”
“It fucks with my head to hear that no one has your back.”
He brought her the kettle and she finished making their drinks. Brick handed her the cookie jar, picked up the two mugs, and together they walked through to her sitting room. The curtains were already closed.
“Trust me, I’ve spent a lifetime living it. It does get easier.”
He reached out and stroked some of her hair off her cheek. “It shouldn’t.”
She smiled at him and then pressed her face against his palm as he cupped her cheek. There was nothing more to say. This was so hard.
There were so many things she wanted to ask him, but she was afraid to break this thing between them. She didn’t want to put a label on their time together, nor did she want to push him away. They had barely known each other a week, and she felt things for him. She’d spent a lot more time with him in the past week than she had during a whole year of dating Eric.
“You’re not tempted by my sister?” she asked.
He wrinkled his nose and took a sip of his hot chocolate. “Fuck, no. She’s a nasty piece of work.”
She sighed. “Thank you.”
Brick snorted. “You know, I’m starting to think you need therapy. You shouldn’t be thanking me for stating the truth. This is just real. Your sister and her piece of shit fiancé are in the wrong. You’re not.”
“I know that, but I guess after so long of being told I’m theproblem, I kind of feel like I am. This is nice. Refreshing.”
She leaned back and looked at him. Brick stared right back at her, and she didn’t want to look away. Cathy loved this man, and that revelation was kind of terrifying to her. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she couldn’t look away, even if she wanted to.
Brick took her hot chocolate and watched him as he put both mugs on the table. Then, he moved back toward her, placed a hand at her cheek, stroking his thumb across her bottom lip.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
She shook her head.
“Don’t. Not when you’re with me. You’re beautiful, and I won’t accept you believing anything less. You’re worth everything.” And with that, he leaned in close and kissed her. The scent of chocolate was still on his breath.
Cathy tried to keep her eyes open, but it was impossible to do so, and as she dropped them, he gripped the back of her neck, pulling her in close, deepening the kiss.
She couldn’t help but gasp and melt against him. An answering pulse began between her thighs, and she tried to keep control of her senses.
The sensible part of her brain demanded she tell him she wasn’t on the pill, and they could get pregnant. The non-sensible part of her brain was telling her to just kiss, to just feel, to stop overthinking.