Page 36 of Falling for My Boss
That only increased my anxiety because I knew it didn’t matter how sad I felt, I needed to protect myself.
After their conversation, Jack shook both of their hands, climbed into his car, and drove away. Derek released my hand.
“Wait right here,” he said.
He jogged down the path and around a curve until he met up with his brothers. They talked briefly, and he came running back to me.
“So?” I asked. “What’s going on?”
“They’re done,” he said.
Derek nodded. “They finalized their plans to ship wine from the vineyard to the eastern seaboard and finished up the paperwork. They were showing him the vineyard for the last time.”
The words hit me, but I couldn’t really process them through. Finally, Derek reached out for me and pulled me close to him. Being wrapped in his arms was all I needed for my stress to crash down around me. He held me there while I let everything out in big, ugly sobs.
By the time I was finished, I felt a little bit better.
With Jack gone, a noticeable change had taken place in Jodi’s everyday attitude and behavior. Her shoulders were no longer constantly crunched up, like she was bracing for something. The smile, which had only been seen after a few hours inside my place and would disappear, replaced by the fake “waitress smile” that she used on customers, returned more regularly and for longer periods. She was beginning to seem like she was on the verge of actual happiness.
We began to settle into a rhythm ourselves. Not that I was going to object. We would wake up in each other’s arms, usually naked, shower together, make breakfast, eat, dress for work, work, come home, and disappear into each other’s arms for a while. Sometimes we would watch television first. Sometimes we would watch television after. Sometimes the TV didn’t come on at all.
We were living like a couple. The problem was we weren’t addressing the situation at all. We just kept waking up, showering, working, fucking, and sleeping. It was incredible and fun and enthralling, but it was confusing too. I didn’t know how to start that conversation. How did I address this gorgeous woman who had stumbled into my life and ask her where we stood? What if I screwed it up? What we had currently was not unlike Schrodinger’s cat. As long as things continued as they were, we both did and did not have a real relationship.
As Saturday morning dawned, it was weighing heavily on my head. I wanted to solidify whatever this was into a real thing or know that I was going to have to let go of it. If I let myself get any more attached than I was already getting, then if she did decide it was just a temporary thing, it would devastate me. I knew that about myself. I had to find a way to not only find out where she was, but to let her know that I was serious and that I wanted it to be more than just two people making the best of a situation.
We went into work early and prepped for the lunch rush while Ally stayed home until service began, and then she ducked out to the floor to run tables. Service went smoothly, and I knew I was getting to a point where I was going to have to say something when she walked into the kitchen, and I nearly kissed her in front of Ally.
Not that I thought Ally would have had a problem with it, exactly. I think she and my brothers all knew something was going on more than her just staying with me. We had spent all our time together, and I had even skipped a big family meal to hang out with her. Of course, according to them, I just was feeling run-down and wanted to take a day off at home to catch up on sleep, but I had a feeling my brothers knew better.
A week of going to bed and waking up with her in my arms. A week of showers together. A week of breakfasts in pajamas and less. A week of curling up together on the couch and eating chips and watching TV.
It was a long time, a week. Yet, it wasn’t nearly enough. I was greedy for much, much more.
But how?
Ally ducked out just after service, and when she came back, Jodi was with her. I was nearly done cleaning the kitchen so it was ready for dinner, and the other line cook was already gone. The three others would be in an hour or so from then, and they could do all the prep work while Ally and I took some time off in the middle of the day. Apparently, though, Ally already had plans.
“Jodi and I are going to take a late lunch,” she said. “I’m going to cook it, but I’ll clean it up so you don’t have to again.”
“Oh,” I said. “Alright.”
Ally laughed.
“He hates when someone cooks on his station after he cleans up,” she said to Jodi, who chuckled.
“Well, it means wasted work. I could have been having a beer in the office instead of cleaning if I knew you were just going to cook on it again,” I said.
“So go have a beer in the office,” Ally said. “We have girl talk to do. Go on. Go.”
My eyes passed over Jodi’s, and I resisted the urge to kneel down and kiss her. It felt like she resisted the same urge, and I hurried past them, almost at a jog, to the door.
“Don’t forget the beer,” Jodi said.