Page 19 of Falling for My Boss
I shook my head more adamantly. “No. It’s nothing like that. I promise it isn’t illegal, and it won’t affect you. I wouldn’t let anything like that happen. This is just an issue with my family. I just need to stay away from them for now.”
That was as far as I went with the explanation. Part of that was simply because I didn’t want to talk about the details if I didn’t have to. But I was also gauging how far Derek was going to push. He hadn’t pried so far, and it didn’t seem like he was the nosy type, but I was giving him the chance if he was going to. He didn’t take it.
He gave a nod and took another sip of his coffee. I could almost see the thoughts going through his mind as he processed the situation and tried to decide what he was going to do. After a few seconds, the look in his eyes changed, and I could tell he’d come to that decision.
Setting the mug down on the table in front of him, he let out a breath and folded his fingers together. He met my eyes and held them for a moment like he was trying to read my thoughts.
“If you swear you aren’t bringing any sort of danger to my place, you can stay,” he said.
Relief flooded through me. I still felt a little strange accepting so much from someone I barely knew, but just then, I couldn’t afford to be prideful or think too hard on propriety. I was in a bad situation that was teetering right on the edge of getting a whole lot worse. I needed all the help I could possibly get, and Derek was right there offering it out to me.
“Thank you,” I said sincerely.
I didn’t gush. Derek didn’t strike me as the type of man who would respond well to that. He nodded again.
“I swear, I am being honest with you,” I said. “It’s not illegal. It really is just my family. I’m not running from the police or the feds… or the Mafia.”
He cocked his eyebrow at me. “The Mafia?”
“Well, I said my family, and I just wanted to be absolutely clear I’m not talking aboutthefamily.”
The explanation fell awkward and flat, and Derek stared at me for a long enough pause I was almost ready to go back into the room and pack my stuff again. But he finally offered me another nod and finished off his cup of coffee with a big swig.
That was it. Just “okay.”
“Okay,” I said.
Derek got up and brought his mug to the sink. He washed it out and set it in the draining rack. Drying his hands on a kitchen towel, he turned around to face me again.
“I’ll be going into the restaurant in a bit,” he said.
“Sounds good.”
That would give me some time to get a few things straight. I finished my coffee and went into what was now my bedroom. Closing the door behind me, I called my landlady and told her I was terminating my rental. She made it clear I wasn’t eligible for any kind of refund, but I didn’t care. As long as I wasn’t stuck living there anymore, that was all that mattered.
It was obvious Jack had figured out where I was living. It was the only reason he would be on that street looking around. That brought me to my next task. I brought out my old laptop and got it going so I could try to figure out how he found me.
There were so many questions, I didn’t know where to start even if I felt like starting. But I couldn’t let myself ask them, not just because she didn’t seem to want to talk about it all that much, but because the curiosity that was killing me was actually kind of off-putting. Why was I so enamored with this woman? I was making decisions that I was positive I never would have made in any other situation with any other person. But there was something about her that made me do things that I normally wouldn’t. Like invite her to stay at my house as long as she needed.
While I had questions bubbling at the top of my mind, I was starting to be able to read her very expressive face. She might not answer directly, but the way her eyes opened wide, or her lip quivered when certain subjects came up gave signals as to her thinking. If I studied her face, I could gain details that weren’t verbal. It wasn’t like I wasn’t studying her face anyway.
What her face was telling me most often was that she was expecting the questions. For some reason, that made me want to hold off more. The fact that she was clearly uncomfortable but was expecting me to make her feel worse by interrogating her made me want to leave her alone and let her settle. I wanted to be a help, not a hindrance.
That said, when I heard her puttering around the office, I started questioning my plan. Part of me was tempted to call in at least one of my brothers for support. But I didn’t have specifics, so what exactly would I be calling them to support? Me? My discomfort about having an incredibly attractive woman sleeping in my office? How could they help?
I spent as much time as I could spare puttering around the house, getting ready slowly. I was hoping she would come out of the office and a conversation about her past might organically start. I was even prepared to call Ally and tell her I would be late in case it happened. But it never did, and I found myself staring at my phone’s clock and then at the office door, knowing that I needed to get out of there.
I knocked on the door lightly and waited just a moment to listen, seeing if she suddenly stopped moving or something else to register that she heard me. I realized I had been hearing a clicking sound, like someone typing, and it suddenly stopped. I cleared my throat.
“Hey, so, I’m going to head out,” I said.
As soon as the words were out of my mouth, the door handle turned, and I stepped back in surprise. The door swung open, and her face appeared just inches from mine. We both doubled back, and I eyed her up and down.