Page 14 of Falling for My Boss
“Shit,” I muttered.
Pushing away from the wall, I turned and headed further into the library. In my haste, I ran directly into a woman carrying an armful of books, sending them scattering across the floor.
“Hey,” she said angrily. “Watch where you’re going.”
“I’m sorry,” I said.
Or at least, I thought I did. My voice was shaking so much I didn’t know if it had actually formed a cohesive word. I crouched down and helped her gather up the books, the illogical, fleeting thought rushing through my mind that I hoped Jack hadn’t heard the books fall.
That was the kind of fear he and my family struck through me. The fear I’d been running from for so long. And now it looked like they’d caught up with me.
I wasn’t going to give up so easily. I’d already gone through so much. Now wasn’t the time to just walk out of there and hand myself over.
When I’d grabbed up enough of the strewn books to feel like I’d at least gone through some of the motions to look apologetic, I stuffed them back into her arms and got to my feet. Without another word, I rushed through the library toward the back exit.
The door at the back led into a small courtyard and garden where people liked to bring books to read or sit in the large wooden gliders and do crossword puzzles. During my first days in town, this was the only place I ever stayed outside for more than a few moments. It seemed concealed enough that I felt safe but still let me not be stuck pacing through the confines of my room.
It was empty now. That meant I didn’t feel as exposed running for the low black cast iron fence surrounding the area. There was a gate, limiting access to and from the area to the doors I’d just walked out of. I launched myself up and over the top of the fence and started running as soon as my feet hit the ground.
Avoiding the street where I had just seen my brother, I ran down an alley behind the library, then toward the other side of the rental building. I used my access pass to get inside and forwent the elevator.
Reaching the landing of the floor where my room was, I looked out through the window in the middle of the door to scan the hallway. It was empty, and after a couple of seconds to brace myself, I burst out into it and ran for my room. The door was still closed, and just for good measure, I wiggled the doorknob to make sure it was locked.
I still prepared myself, putting up my guard as I fumbled with my key trying to unlock the door. When it was unlocked, I pushed the door open and stood in the hall for another second, waiting to see if anything was going to happen. It stayed quiet, and I knew I didn’t have any more time to spare.
Running inside and locking the door behind me, I went into a frenzy packing everything I owned into my two duffle bags. It wasn’t much, but I could still feel the time ticking away as I gathered everything and waited to hear footsteps on the other side of the door.
Finally, I was ready to leave. My caution gone, I burst out of the room and ran down the hallway without bothering to lock up again. It wouldn’t matter. As soon as Jack had confirmation that was where I was staying, he was going to get inside. And when I wasn’t there and it was empty, he would know I was on the run again and the hunt would be once more.
I didn’t have anywhere to go. I couldn’t go to any of the hotels or try to rent another place. There was only one thing that came to mind.
Tossing my bags into the backseat of my beat-up old car, I jumped behind the wheel and floored it to the vineyard. It was definitely not liking the speed, and it had an ominous shake that told me at any second, it could just crumble into its various parts and pieces. But if it could just give me a head start, I’d be grateful.
My hands gripped the wheel as tight as I could as I drove, praying with everything I had that Derek was as kind as he seemed on his good days.
It was Friday and I was in the process of filling out the rest of the menu to complement the star dish and give some kind of theme to the evening when the back door burst open. It made my head pop up, and I turned to see Jodi leaning against the door, her back against it and two bags clutched tightly to her chest. Her hair was wild and stringy and in her face, and she was gulping deep breaths like she had been running.
Knocking over the stool I was sitting on, I jumped up and ran to her, gently taking the bags from her fingers, where she had clung to them so hard her flesh bore the marks. I placed the bags down beside the door and took one of her elbows, gently but firmly guiding her to the waitstaff office.
“Deep breaths,” Jodi muttered to herself. “I’ve got to… take… deep breaths.”
“Do you need water? Here. Let me get you some water,” I said, jogging back to the cooler where I kept several cases of bottled water along with the rotating meat that stayed chilled but not frozen. I pulled a bottle out and brought it to her, cracking the seal in front of her and putting it in her hands. She took very small sips. She was shaking, but she seemed weirdly in control. Like she knew how to calm down when panicked, she just needed to go through the steps.
Suddenly I wanted to know how many times she had to calm herself like this, how many times she had been on the run from something or someone. I had ideas, but none of them were good. None of them were the type of thing you assume about someone without some kind of evidence. I wasn’t going to jump the gun.
“When you are ready, no rush,” I said, my palms out to soothe her and let her know I had no intention of pushing her, “would you be able to tell me what you are running from? I want to help you figure it out, okay? But I can’t really do that if I don’t know what I am up against or helping you hide from.”
She nodded, slowly, and kept sipping the water.
Jodi was beginning to calm down. She had gotten down about half the bottle, and I was tempted to go grab another one just in case, but I didn’t want to leave her alone either. Her hands were no longer shaking so badly that I thought she might spill water on herself, nor was she breathing so deeply that I was worried she would pass out.
Tipping back the bottle, Jodi took a few deep gulps and got the rest of it down quickly.
I reached out my hand and took the bottle from suddenly steady hands.