Page 20 of Naughty or Nice?
Kendall pretendsshe’s shocked at my proposition, but her dilated pupils give her away. As I pull her close and her soft curves press up against me, she flattens her hands on my chest like she’s about to push me away.
Then her gaze tracks up to mine and her tongue wets her bottom lip.
She can’t help herself. She can’t even bring herself to deny it.
“Is that a yes, darling?” I husk out, bowing my head. I hover close to her mouth, ready to kiss her at the first peep she utters. “Tell me you want to feel my dick inside you. You want me to make you scream and come like last night.”
“But Nate…” she breathes with a shake of her head.
“You said it yourself—he’ll never have to know. It’ll be our naughty little secret.”
Kendall closes her eyes in an internal struggle that flickers across her face. Her brows have drawn close and her lips almost pout. For all the battling she does, she lets out a soft breath and opens her eyes to peer up at me.
“Kiss me.”
It’s the only direction I need.
Two words that give me permission to seize control.
Our attraction explodes like it did last night. No alcohol necessary this time.
I drag her mouth up to mine, practically whisking her off her feet. She loops her arms around my neck and rests her legs at my waist. The palms of my hands fill with her cheeks, framing her face as I kiss her hard and urgently.
Her pillow-soft lips are ready for me, eagerly parting for my tongue.
The room feels like it’s spinning. The ground like it’s shifting beneath my boots. I clutch her in my arms and kiss her ’til it feels like we’re both lightheaded and breathless.
I grab a fistful of her hair and pull her away from my lips. “You sure about this, darling? Say the word and I’ll take you right here and now. On this fucking bearskin rug. Your pussy’s about to be squeezed around my dick.”
“Do it!” she whispers, heaving for air. “Fuck me, Daddy!”
A growl revs up in my throat as the words unlock a dirtier, kinkier part of me. A part of me that hasn’t been awake for years.
I whip Kendall to the ground, wrenching her down with me ’til she’s pinned on her back. Our hands are fast, clawing at each other’s clothes in between fervent kisses. In less than sixty seconds, I’ve got Kendall butt-naked on the bearskin rug and my rock-solid dick out, rubbing up against her glistening folds.
“I’ll show you who your fucking daddy is,” I growl, biting her neck. “You going to be able to take Daddy’s dick, darling?”
“Yes! Yes… YESSS!”
Kendall screams and tips her head back as I hook my arms under her thighs and slam into her. Right away, I’m off to a furious pace. Each thrust comes like a punch, deep and hard.Her breasts bounce and her body slides ’til I’m dragging her back toward me.
And then driving into her all over again.
There’s nowhere to run or hide once we get going.
Kendall’s silky wet pussy squeezes me tight and sends shockwaves of pleasure shooting up my dick. Thick, husky moans leave me. My breathing becomes erratic and ragged. Yet I don’t think of slowing down for a second.
I’m balls deep in a pussy that’s better than heaven.
I’m balls deep in a pussy that Nate’s dumb ass somehow gave up.
My selfish son hasn’t always made the best choices, and it’s clear he made the worst of all giving up Kendall.
But his loss is my gain as I fuck my son’s ex-fiancée and relish in how naughty and forbidden it is.
It makes the moment that much more intense.
I’m sure Kendall feels the same as she whimpers and thrashes beneath me. I roll her onto her side and lift her leg to slide into her from a whole new angle.