Page 4 of Clonely You
Aha—I remember now.
“I am not trying to make you uncomfortable, dairymaid. I find many humans attractive, but few are so lovely and appealing to my senses as you are.”
“Dairymaid?” She seems surprised by the term.
“Is it the wrong thing? I wish to honor your profession. What does one call a female milk farmer?”
“You can call me Michaela.”
I nod, feeling like a fool. Her tone has grown cool, as her expression has. “I have offended you. I apologize thoroughly. I have studied your tongue but I am still clumsy with your customs.”
Michaela—a lovely name!—considers me and shifts her weight on her feet, her stance changing. Her smile grows sweet and genuine, unfurling like a flower across her enchanting face. “Apology accepted. Don’t mind me, sweetheart. I was a little wary at first. You understand, me being a single woman alone in the big, bad universe.”
I am dumbfounded at her tone, rich and sultry and with a hint of teasing. Her voice feels like a caress, and my body fails me. I forget how to move, how to speak. I want to close my eyes and bask in her speech forever. “I do understand that humans must be careful. I would never harm you, Butter FarmerMichaela. In fact, if you ever need a protector, I shall be the first one to volunteer.” I blurt out the words with eagerness and then flinch backward. I am too forward. Always, always I am too forward, too eager to please. “If you like, of course.”
“That’s very sweet of you.” Her tone grows syrupy, her eyes heavy-lidded and sultry as she gazes on me. She moves forward and touches my arm. Briefly—oh so briefly—but I burn from that slight caress. “What did you come here for, protector?”
“May—may I have all your butter?”
She moves a little closer, and her scent fills my senses. Any closer and her breasts will surely touch my abdomen. The thought makes me dizzy. “I’m all out of butter at the moment, my darling. Perhaps you should come back later? We could…get to know each other.”
Get to know each other? That is what humans say when they wish to copulate. I do not know what I have done to receive this joy, but I am eager for it. “I would love to return and know you better.”
Michaela trails her finger down my front, and my cock, once dead to the universe, throbs in response. “Come back after dark? I’ll give you all the butter you could possibly want.”
I am thrilled.
The red alienman with the black tattoos on his hands finally leaves my house, and when I watch him disappear down the road and out of sight, I can breathe again.
Shit. Fuck. Shit and fuck.
I press a hand to my heart, willing it to stop fluttering in panic. He’s gone. He’s gone. I have time to come up with a plan.
Shit and fuck, Ineeda plan.
I can’t believe the guy that stole my sister just walked into my house.
I lean against the door, trying to compose my thoughts. It’s been two years since Rafaela was taken from my side. Rafaela and I were cleaning the marble floors in a fancy Homeworld mansion. We had recently been purchased together from the old female mesakkah we’d served for the last three years, and the new master’s wife was not thrilled at our acquisition. We did a lot of cleaning, and I scrubbed extra hard to try and get on her good side. It didn’t work.
Two years have passed and I still remember the face of the cocksucker that stole Rafaela away. I remember the handsomeface and the short, strangely shorn black hair capping his head. I remember the bright red skin devoid of tattoos, but hands that were covered in black markings. I remember wide-spaced dark eyes, and the proud cheekbones. The angular jaw and pouty mouth. The way for a moment that he’d been beautiful to me, but all that beauty hid the heart of a true devil.
He’d taken Rafaela away, smirking the entire time as we’d wept and clung to each other. When I’d tried to hold onto her, he’d punched me in the face with those tattooed hands, knocking me to the floor. I’d sworn to get revenge. Instead, the mistress had made me finish cleaning.
Well…that bitch isn’t here for me to get my revenge, but the bastard that stole Rafaela is. He’s pretending to be sweet and innocent, but I know it’s a ruse. I haven’t forgotten the way that prick laughed at our tears.
This is my chance to find out where he took Rafaela. I won’t get another chance.
I was terrified the moment he showed up at my door, but when it was clear he didn’t recognize me, I relaxed a bit. All humans must look the same to an alien like him, and that’s a relief. I changed my manner from unfriendly to sweet, and when he agreed to come back later, I almost cheered.
I need to be ready for his return.
Should I drug him? Do I even have anything to drug him with? Will it take too long to work? Even if I spiked the butter he’d requested, would it work? Maybe aliens don’t get knocked out. Perhaps I should seduce him instead. The thought makes me want to gag, but it’ll get his guard down. Seduction, I decide. It’s the easiest way. Get him in my bed, cuff him, then torture him until he tells me everything he can about Rafaela and where she’s gone.