Page 16 of Caged By the Lich
"They say he made a deal with Xydra herself," the first demon continues. "Sacrificed his own brother for power."
My hand stills on the dusty vase. His own brother? The thought makes my stomach churn.
"But you have to admire his ruthlessness," the second woman muses, sounding much too enthralled. "You've heard the rumors of his family. And yet, he's become one of the most feared lords in the realm."
I force myself to keep dusting, my mind reeling. V's rise to power suddenly seems less like luck and more like a calculated, blood-soaked climb.
"And now he's got Ilreth's daughter," the third demon adds with a chuckle. "Talk about a power move."
"Poor little thing," the first matron agrees, cooing softly.
My cheeks burn and I force myself away. I'm not sure why, but I can't stand the idea of listening to them gossip about me. As if it hasn't happened my entire life.
As I make my way back down the hall, my thoughts are a jumbled mess. The V they described is a monster, capable of unspeakable cruelty. Yet... there's a part of me that can't help but be impressed by his cunning, his relentless drive.
And a larger part that I extremely turned on by that ruthlessness. I shouldn't be, I know. But my core clenches as I remember his hand around my throat, his dark eyes swirling.
I can practically feel just how powerful he must be in bed.
Not that I want it.
I'm exhausted by the time Kaz comes to collect me. My arms ache from scrubbing floors and dusting endless shelves.
"Astrid," he says as he approaches. "I've been sent to bring you with me."
Part of me wants to refuse, to collapse onto my bed and ignore whatever new torment V has planned. But curiosity wins out. I follow Kaz through the winding corridors, chin held high despite my disheveled appearance.
The dining room is opulent, all dark wood and gleaming silver. V lounges at the head of the table, looking infuriatingly relaxed in a crisp black shirt. His eyes flick over me, taking in my rumpled clothes and messy hair.
"Enjoying your new role as a maid?" he asks, lips curving into a smirk, but he gestures to the chair across from him, an invitation to sit.
I slide into the seat, refusing to rise to the bait. "Oh, immensely. Nothing quite like scrubbing demon grime to make a girl feel alive."
A servant places a plate in front of me – some kind of roasted meat I don't recognize. V watches as I take a cautious bite.
"It's not poisoned," he says dryly. "Though I'm sure you'd find a way to blame me if you choked on a bone."
I swallow, surprised by the rich flavor. "Careful, V. That almost sounded like concern."
His eyes narrow. "Merely protecting my investment. You're no good to me dead."
"And what exactly am I good for?" I counter, leaning forward. "Other than menial labor, of course."
V takes a sip of wine, considering me. "You tell me, little rebel. What skills does Ilreth's pet human possess?"
The insult stings, but I refuse to let it show. Instead, I smile sweetly. "Oh, you know. The usual. Etiquette, languages, a thorough understanding of demonic political structures and their inherent weaknesses."
His eyebrow quirks up. "Is that so?"
"Mhmm," I hum, cutting into my meat with deliberate precision. "For instance, I couldn't help but notice how Lord Malzahar's absence tonight, when he usually visits once a week on this day, speaks volumes about your tentative southern alliances." I raise my brow, keeping my tone light. "Where is your new friend, V?"
V's eyes flash, a mixture of surprise and... is that approval? "You're more observant than I gave you credit for."
"A common mistake," I shrug. "Most demons underestimate humans. It's made things... interesting over the years."
"Interesting how?" V leans forward, genuinely intrigued now.
I meet his gaze, allowing a hint of steel to enter my voice. "Let's just say I've learned to navigate treacherous waters since childhood. Your court is hardly the first to see me as prey."