Page 43 of My Boyfriend Marks Trees
“I met Charly’s ex,” Ares announced. “He came by the farm before we left. Doesn’t seem like he followed us here, but he’s as you’d expect. A big, brutish bully.”
“Did he bring his gang?” asked Derek.
Charlotte shrugged. “I don’t know. He might have.”
“He was driving a rental, which implies he flew in,” Ares added to the information pot.
“I can’t imagine it was cheap flying last minute this close to Christmas, so unless he’s willing to waste a ton of dough, I imagine he only brought a few of his posse. While he couldn’t bring weapons through security, it wouldn’t be that hard for him to pick something up from the black market,” Athena’s contribution.
Charlotte eyed them all. “You’re taking this all very calmly.” Sane people would have been on her to call the cops or leave so as to not bring her troubles to their doorstep.
A hard-eyed Grams spat, “I ain’t calm. The thought of some asshole trying to hurt that sweet baby has me ready to hunt down that fucker and put a bullet between his eyes.”
Charlotte’s eyes widened, and Ares grabbed her hand. “I know that sounds harsh, but the reality is, guys like your ex can’t be scared off with words.”
Agreed, but still, murder? “You ran him off earlier today,” she reminded.
“Because he wasn’t sure you were with me, and I imagine because I was tougher than he expected. More than likely, he’ll return with some of his bully boys to see if I was lying.”
“Pity the roads are so shit. We could have lain in wait,” Derek lamented.
“Maybe if he can’t find me, he’ll go away.” Charlotte still hoped for a miracle.
“Don’t you suddenly go dumb on me,” Grams chided. “That man didn’t follow you this far to give up. We’ll have to be prepared. We’ll get you set up with a gun.”
“But I don’t know how to shoot one,” squeaked Charlotte.
“It’s called aim and pull the trigger. Even if you miss, it will cause noise and bring others to help,” Grams dry reply.
“And if I hit someone?” Charlotte asked faintly.
“I know how to clean blood so the cops can’t find a trace.” Grams wore a secretive smile.
“I don’t want to kill anyone, and I don’t want anyone to get arrested for murder,” Charlotte exclaimed.
“Ain’t murder,” Grams stated. “It’s what’s needed to protect you and that sweet girl. And don’t you worry about us getting caught. Can’t charge us with murder if they don’t have a body.”
“Well, it’s doubtful he’ll find us here,” Charlotte said, more to convince herself. “I should get to bed. Greta rises early.”
“So do we.” Grams pushed herself to her feet and hobbled to Charlotte. “You might not like our methods, but we will keep you safe.”
With that, everyone went to their rooms, the one she and Ares shared not very large. Most of the space taken up by the queen-sized bed covered in a thick patchwork quilt. While fatigue did tug, Charlotte didn’t lie down. She paced.
“I shouldn’t have come. Oh god, what if Barry comes here and hurts them?” she lamented.
“Don’t let Gram hear you. She’s liable to give you a cuff.” Ares tried to be light with his words, but she whirled with trembling lips.
“Barry will kill anyone who gets in his way.”
“You’re assuming we’re easy to kill. I can tell you right now we’re not.” Ares wrapped his arms around her. “I wish you’d told me what he did to you. I mean I guessed it was bad, but Jeezus, Charly. You’re lucky to be alive.”
“I’m aware.”
“You know he’s not going to give up and go away. He’s going to keep coming for you and Greta as long as he lives.”
“I think about it every second of every day,” she whispered against his chest.
“Then you know there’s only one way to stop him.”