Page 35 of My Boyfriend Marks Trees
“You think we should go?”
“I want you to be able to relax, and honestly, with Athena, Derek, Grams, and Gramps all keeping an eye out, ain’t no one getting close to you or Greta.”
Her kid’s safety was more important than anything. Charlotte nodded. “Okay then, but only if they agree.”
“They will. I’ll let Grams know you’ll be coming to stay until the storm passes and we know the house has power.”
Ares glanced at Athena. “Sounds good. Can you take Greta with you? Charly and I will go home to pack some bags and make sure the house is ready for the storm then head over.”
Only Greta didn’t like that plan. Not the part about sleeping at a different house, though she was excited to see a new place. Greta eyed Ares, and her lower lip jutted as she said, “You said we’d cut down a special tree.”
Ares glanced at Charlotte. “It won’t take long to saw it down and load it onto the truck.”
“What about the rest of the stuff that needs to get done?” she countered.
“The animals just need their automatic feeders topped up, a bit of antifreeze in the drains, water shut off and drained. If you can pack us some clothes while I’m doing that, then we’ll be done within the hour.”
“Okay,” Charlotte agreed.
“Yay!” Greta clapped.
Before they loaded Greta into the car, Ares and Derek transferred the gifts they’d bought to Athena’s car. Charlotte emerged with Greta to see Ares whispering with his sister and wondered why Athena’s brows rose. Was he hiding something from her?
Athena hugged him and then waved at Charlotte. “See you in a few hours.”
Greta thankfully chattered nonstop all the way to the farm and didn’t notice how Ares kept watching his rearview mirrorand took a more circuitous route back, even as the clouds darkened overhead.
No snow yet, but the heaviness of them indicated it would start falling soon.
Once they arrived at the house, Ares clapped his hands. “We’re going to take my truck to the Kennedys’ farm. For one, it has four-wheel drive, and two, we need the bed in the back of it to bring the tree.”
“Can I help saw it down?” Greta asked.
“Yup, but first, let’s make sure our animal friends are ready for the storm.”
Greta kept him company while Charlotte packed their bags. She also put together a bag for Ares that included a hideous Christmas sweater she located in his closet. The fridge got its perishables put into a Styrofoam cooler she found in the pantry. She stacked everything by the front door and waited.
Waited anxiously as the first flakes began to fall. She probably worried for nothing. Even if Barry had found her new address, he’d never find them here, and even if he did, he wouldn’t know they went to Derek’s grandparents’ place.
But what about after the storm? Where would they go? She couldn’t live on other people’s generosity forever.
She heard Ares and Greta before she saw them, singing a very loud version of “Jingle Bells.” Stepping onto the porch, hugging her upper body, she could see them through the drifting snow. Greta with her red mittens, holding a branch on one side, Ares gripping the sawn trunk, doing the heavy dragging.
A grinning child exclaimed, “We cut down the most beautiful tree, Mama.”
“I see that. It’s going to be perfect,” Charlotte agreed.
“Go see if your mama needs help while I get this loaded.” Ares sent Greta into the house.
“I’ve got our stuff ready,” she told her daughter. “Why don’t you grab a quick snack then have a pee before we go?”
“Okay, Mama.”
Greta skipped off, and Charlotte put on her jacket and boots to help load their stuff on to the truck. The cooler went in the bed among the tree boughs. The bags in the backseat, leaving a spot for Greta’s car seat. She’d just latched it in place when Ares growled, “Get in the house.”
“What?” She glanced at him and noticed he stared up the driveway.
“Someone’s coming. Get inside. Stay away from the windows.”