Page 32 of My Boyfriend Marks Trees
What would she tell Greta?
Not the truth. A child that young would be traumatized by something this violent.
They exited the townhouse, his arm holding her upright, her head ducked, but his remained high and alert, which was how he spotted the rental car a few doors up. Someone slouched in the front seat.
Could be a coincidence, but the raised hairs on his nape—and his wolf’s growledEnemy—said otherwise.
While he couldn’t confront them, not in front of witnesses and most especially Charly, he could take precautions, such as making sure they couldn’t follow. Luckily, Charly was too overwrought to notice the circuitous route he took to lose their tail. It helped he drove them out of Arnprior into Kanata.
When he pulled into the Toys R Us parking lot, she finally lifted her head and muttered, “Why are you parking here? We need to go get Greta.”
“We will, right after we make sure she has presents under the tree.”
“What tree?” her bitter reply.
“The one we’re going to cut down this afternoon and decorate.”
She blinked at him.
“It won’t be Chevy Chase-sized, but I have a nice one that will look great in the living room. I know where the ornaments and lights are. Although I’m thinking we should get Greta a new decoration, something special she can hang. Oh, and we’ll needto get her a holiday hat. We’ve got a couple at the house, but I’d like to get her a pink princess one.”
She kept staring.
“What? You don’t like the idea of a pink one? I guess we could do traditional red or green elf.”
She flung herself at him and mashed her mouth to his, whispering, “What did I do to deserve you?”
“Ever think it’s the other way around?”
“I’ll repay you,” she promised.
“Oh shut it. This isn’t about money. I have plenty in the bank. This is about making sure that little girl has an epic Christmas. You in?”
Finally, a real smile curved her lips. “Yes.”
They did some serious damage in Toys R Us. When Charly would have gotten the cheap generic fashion doll, he insisted on the fancy name brand Barbie Special Holiday Edition. When she would have stopped at three gifts, he laughed. “My princess is getting spoiled.” And so was her mother; she just didn’t know it yet. Although he didn’t have much time. He kind of regretted now telling Selene to go on that cruise. He could have used her as his Secret Santa shopper. At least he had Athena, who would probably roundly curse him if he sent her out last-minute gift scrounging, but she’d forgive him when she heard why.
With what happened at the townhouse, he couldn’t leave the girls alone. He’d already sent Athena a text with instructions to not let Greta out of her sight with a quick explanation. Essentially,Someone is after Charly and princess. Trust no one but family.
Her reply, a wolf’s head.
Whoever messed with Charly had fucked up bad, because if there was one thing you didn’t do? Touch a wolf’s mate and his pup.
Yes, his.
Because one thing had become crystal clear in the last few days.
Charly was the one.
Chapter 10
Charlotte didn’t havethe strength to fight Ares and his extravagance. How could she when he wanted to spoil Greta? Pride was one thing, but getting in the way of her kid having nice things? Her ego took a back seat. Greta deserved this. Heck, so did she.
Seeing the destruction at her place had broken something inside her. She’d thought herself safe. Wrong. Thought she could start over. Wrong. Thought she could do it alone. She could, but it would be easier if she had a partner. She tired of struggling. Wanted someone she could lean on during tough times. Deserved security and love.
Yes, love. She couldn’t deny what burgeoned between her and Ares. It was more than attraction. More intense by a zillion than what she’d felt for Barry.
The quickness of how she fell for him frightened. Opening her heart, letting him in, was one thing. She could—eventually—handle the heartbreak, but what about Greta? She’d formed such a strong bond with him already. What if Charlotte trusted wrong and her precious munchkin got hurt?