Page 38 of Second Chance Baby
At least that stayed the same. Despite the entire flock of butterflies that had apparently taken up residence in my stomach, I was also really looking forward to spending time with him outside of work.
I couldn’t wait, and yet I also kind of wanted to fake a stomachache and hide under the covers for the rest of the day. What if it didn’t go well? What if we both had this idea of what we used to be and what we could be again, but when we tried, we discovered that was all behind us?
I could have just continued working with him at the bar and convinced myself not to think about anything else. It wasn’t easy, but I could do it. That wasn’t an option anymore after today. Going on this lunch together was drawing a line in the sand. Either we would discover there was still something there for us, or I was going to have to potentially revisit that whole working at the fast-food restaurant plan.
My phone rang right as I was getting out of the shower. I thought it might be Mason, and for a second, worry flickered through me that he was going to be the one to spontaneously come up with some sort of ailment that would stop him from coming to lunch. But I saw Stephanie’s name on the screen instead, and I dropped down to the edge of the bed to answer it.
“Hello?” I said.
“Stop it,” Stephanie says
“What?” I asked, startled. “Stop what?”
“Stop questioning whether you should go on your date with Mason this afternoon. Stop second-guessing everything. Stop dwelling on everything. Stop freaking yourself right the hell out. Just, in general, stop it.”
I drew in a breath. “Thank you. You are a good friend.”
“Tell me all about it when it’s done,” she said suddenly in a singsong voice and hung up.
Given a boost by my pep talk from Stephanie, I got dressed and headed for the restaurant Mason invited me to the night before. Just sitting outside it before going in made my heart beat a little faster. This was our old spot, where we came for lunch together all the time when we were younger. It was after one of those dates that we had our first kiss.
His truck pulled up beside me, and Mason climbed out. He leaned down to smile into my window, and I opened the door.
“Hey,” he said, reaching in to take my hand and help me out.
“Hi,” I said.
He kept his fingers linked lightly around mine as we walked into the restaurant and sat down on our old table. Mason reached across the table with both hands, and I rested mine in them.
“I’ve missed you, Ava,” he said.
“I’ve missed you, too, Mason.”
That seemed to take away all the anxiety. We relaxed into the time together, talking about memories and the time we spent together. It felt like old times, just going right back into our comfortable pattern.
After lunch, we drove to work and spent the evening in what felt like an easy, natural flow. We smiled and flirted, stealing glances and little touches. Well before it was closing time, I knew I didn’t want our night together to end. So, when Mason offered to drive me home, I accepted.
It didn’t matter that I had my own car at the bar. It didn’t matter that his brothers saw us walk out together. I just wanted to be with him.
We got to my apartment, and Mason walked me up to the door. I turned and leaned back against it.
“Want to come in for a nightcap?” I asked.
He grinned at me and nodded. I unlocked the door and walked inside. The instant the door was closed, all the time along together and our flirting bubbled over. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back toward him, turning me around.
I leapt into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. His mouth crushed down on mine in an intense, powerful kiss. He walked me into the bedroom, and I shut the door behind him.
Our tongues tangled in each other’s mouths as he walked to the bed, effortlessly carrying me while I ran my fingers along the familiar and yet exotic muscles of his shoulders. I wanted to feel his skin pressed against mine, to feel his warm breath on me. As we reached the bed, he let me go, letting me tumble out of his arms and onto the mattress with a bounce. I giggled as I hit and kicked my legs out in front of me. He wasted no time bending down into me to lay his lips upon mine and rip at his own shirt. As it tore, buttons flying into the air beside us, a thrill ran up my spine at the animalistic determination in his movements.