Page 55 of Millionaire Hero (Freeman Brothers 4)
“You did all this for me?” I asked.
“Well, yeah,” he said, giving me a sheepish shrug. “I wanted to take care of you.”
The smile on his face made me melt. Any worries I had about how he would feel about the baby were gone in that simple smile. I picked up a fork and scooped up some of the eggs. They were perfectly cooked and had a hint of buttery saltiness that made my stomach rumble with hunger. I was glad I wasn’t having a bad bout of sickness that day.
Nick went back into the kitchen and returned with his own, much more reasonable plate of breakfast. He was evidently taking the whole eating for two concept very much to heart. Of course, it seemed the two he was trying to feed was two sports teams of some kind. But I more than appreciated the gesture. It was so sweet and thoughtful. More than I could have hoped for.
After I ate everything I could, Nick gathered up my plates and his on the tray and brought them back into the kitchen.
“Do you mind if I grab a shower?” I asked.
“Of course not,” Nick said.
He came out of the kitchen and brought me to a bathroom that was nearly the size of my living room at my house. Trish wasn’t exaggerating his money. Yet there was something warm and comforting about his home that didn’t feel distanced like I would expect from somebody with that kind of wealth. He opened the closet and showed me where to find towels and necessities, then stepped out of the room.
When he came back a few moments later, he was carrying a shirt and pair of sweatpants. He set them on the counter and closed the door behind him. As I showered, my mind wouldn’t quiet down. Thoughts I shouldn’t have been having, but that the water kept bringing up rushed through my brain. By the time I got out, there was nothing stopping me.
Forgoing the clothes he left for me, I wrapped a towel around myself and headed out into the house. I followed the sound of a TV until I found Nick in his bedroom, folding laundry on his bed. He quirked an eyebrow at me, looking me up and down like he was taking in the towel. I let go of it and let it glide down my body and drop to the floor.
“Are you sure?” he asked, taking the laundry basket off the bed and setting it down on the floor.
“I’m sure.”
Nick bounded from the bed and took me into his arms, and I fell into him. Our lips crushed against one another as he lifted me and spun me for a moment, elation and emotion mixing with the raw primal desire bubbling just under the surface. I savored the taste of his lips on mine, wanting to capture the moment, to bottle it and revisit it again later. But something told me I wouldn’t have to. There would be more moments, so many more. I needn’t stress over capturing this one and holding it pristine in my mind. It was just one of many to come.
Letting myself sink into the moment, relieving myself of the pressure of remembering every detail, I felt my body mold into his clutch. My naked breasts, still damp and warm from the shower I had stood too long in, pressed against his hard pectorals, and I delighted in the strength in the arms that held me aloft. I was safe. I was protected. I was desired.
Nick turned me in midair and gently lowered me to the bed. I sat back, watching him as he tore at his clothes, enjoying the view of his body revealing itself to me piece by piece. When his shirt was crumpled on the floor, his slacks hanging on the arm of a chair and his socks tossed behind him, I reached forward to grab him by the hips and pull him toward me. I pressed my lips to his stomach, letting my tongue slide out and trail along the muscles of his abdomen. Sliding my hands down, letting my fingertips run along the edges of his muscles, I grasped the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down.
His cock sprung out at me, hard and thick. There was no mistaking his arousal at seeing my nude body on the bed. My nipples perked, and goosebumps rose along my arm in response. I craved the taste of his skin, the musk of his massive cock on my tongue, and wasted no time plunging him between my lips. His hips pressed forward, and his body tensed as my soft lips wrapped around his staff, and I lathered him with my tongue. He groaned deeply, and I opened my eyes to look up at him in time to see him throw his head back momentarily before bringing his gaze back down to me. Our eyes locked on each other as I stroked him into my mouth.