Page 58 of Millionaire Crush (Freeman Brothers 3)
The doctor went over aftercare procedures with Lindsey and Grant so they would understand how to take care of Remy’s injuries. I did my best to ignore the glares from Grant’s parents as I listened to the instructions from the doctor. I didn’t know if there would be any opportunity for me to be involved in his care, but it wouldn’t hurt just in case. Much of what I was hearing sounded familiar. Growing up in a racing family, I was no stranger to seeing people suffer broken bones.
When the doctor was finished with the instructions, he handed printed sheets to both Lindsey and Grant. They both shook their heads to him asking if they had any questions, and he left. No sooner had the door closed behind them than the two older people rounded on me.
“Who do you think you are coming here?” Beatrice demanded.
“You are one of those Freeman boys,” Grant’s father said.
“I haven’t been a boy in a long time,” I pointed out, standing tall.
“A smart mouth, too. Just like his brother. Are you sleeping with this one, too? How convenient to keep things in the family,” Beatrice said.
“Get out,” Grant said. His voice was so low I almost didn’t register the words.
“Don’t you think for a second that you are getting anywhere near Remy. It’s bad enough he has to be saddled with her for a mother. He’s not going to be influenced by her never-ending trail of playthings, too,” Beatrice continued.
“How dare you,” Lindsey started, but Grant took a step forward, stopping her.
“That’s enough,” he said.
His mother looked like she was going to say something else to me but instead turned to look at him. Her expression was shocked. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me, Mother. That’s enough. You’re not going to talk to him like that. You’re not going to talk to either one of them like that,” he said.
“Watch how you talk to your mother, son,” his father said, and Grant shook his head.
“Stop. I’m not a child. Lindsey is here to take care of our son, and Vince is here because she wants him to be. You’re not going to disrespect either one of them. In fact, it would be best if you just left. We don’t need you here.”
Lindsey’s mouth fell open. She was clearly stunned at Grant taking a stand and telling his parents to leave. They hesitated for only a second before spinning on their heels and stomping away.28LindseyAs soon as the doctor said Remy could go home that night, my body relaxed. I was terrified they were going to make him stay overnight and I wouldn’t be able to stay with him. Being outside of his usual environment would be so traumatic for him, especially with the confusion of the medication and the pain I knew he would be feeling soon. But the doctor was confident we would be able to manage his needs and it would be in his best interests to go home.
Of course, by going home, that meant going back to Grant’s house. I would have rather whisked him away to my own apartment, but even trying for that would be pushing my luck. The tremendous change that had come over Grant was startling to say the least. I felt like I was walking a very fine edge. The experience of our son asking for me when he was in pain and scared seemed like an eye-opening experience to Grant. He suddenly realized I wasn’t just on Remy’s periphery. I was right at the center of his mind and heart.
It was hard to decipher exactly how that affected Grant. Obviously, it moved him enough to call me and have me come down to the hospital. It even made him calm and vulnerable. But none of that prepared me for seeing him stand up to his mother. He defended me and Vince and made both his parents leave. It was something I never thought I would witness.
Part of me was afraid if I said anything about it, it would all go up in smoke. As if somehow Grant had manufactured the entire thing and was just testing me. Instead of commenting on it, I helped get everything ready to discharge Remy so Grant could bring him back to his house.
“Can Mommy come?” my little boy asked through the fog of his medication when we woke him gently to tell him it was time to leave.
“Yes,” Grant said. “If she can.”
“Of course,” I said without hesitation. “Of course I’ll come with you.”
Remy offered a hint of a smile before fading back off to sleep. I instantly looked over at Vince. He hovered across the room, looking out of place and unsure of what he was supposed to do. My stomach sank just a little. But I was happy he was there. It felt good just to be able to hold his hand or give him a hug when I needed it. I walked over to him and took his hand.