Page 71 of Volatile Vice
“Shouldn’t you be airborne about now?” his voice says.
“Hello to you too.”
“That’s not funny, Vincent. What the hell is going on?”
“You may have to take care of this Colombia thing yourself. My mother—your daughter—has had a heart attack.”
No response.
Not that I expected one. Why should he care? It’s only his daughter. His only child.
“You have anything to say, old man?”
His voice is steady. “Where is she? What hospital?”
I relay the information.
“I’ll be there right away.”
I don’t particularly want to see him, but so be it. Sheishis daughter. If he wants to see her—which I doubt; I’m sure he has some ulterior motive for coming—I won’t stop him.
A few orderlies enter the curtained-off area. “We’re going to take Mrs. Gallo to the ICU now,” one of them says.
“Thank you. I’m her son. I’ll be coming along.”
“Of course. We found a private room, and you’re welcome to stay with her if you’d like.”
Perhaps I should. But she’s in good hands.
Several minutes later, when they’ve got my mother transferred and hooked up to all the machines in the ICU room, I finally call Savannah.
“Vinnie?” Her voice is hoarse. I probably woke her up. “Is everything all right? It’s awfully late to be calling.”
“Don’t freak out, Sav, because she’s going to be all right, but Mom had a heart attack this evening.”
She gasps, and I hear the phone clatter to the floor.
“Vinnie?” Falcon’s voice.
“Is she okay?”
“She’s in shock, I think. What happened?”
“Our mother had a heart attack. They had to revive her with the paddles. But they got her back. She’s scheduled to have a triple bypass in the morning.”
“Oh my God. We’ll be there right away. What hospital?”
“Just be here for the surgery in the morning. It’s scheduled for 9 a.m. You guys don’t have to come now.”
“I don’t think I can keep Savannah away.”
“All right. Have it your way. But she is in the ICU. I don’t know if they limit the number of people we can have in the room with her. I’ll have to check.”
“All right. We’re on the way. Call us when you know.”
“Of course. I’ll step out if I must to let Savannah have some time with Mom.”
“Of course. And Vinnie?”