Page 66 of Volatile Vice
“Nonnegotiable,” my brother says. “Until we get this shit settled.”
I swallow. “Does he know everything?”
“I only know what I need to know, Raven,” Jared says. “And all I need to know is that your safety is paramount and that’s why I’m here.”
I nod. “So…what if I want to go somewhere?”
“I’ll drive you.”
“What if I want to go visit Falcon and Savannah? Or my mom and dad?”
“I’ll accompany you. If you want privacy, I’ll stay in the car. Or I can stay elsewhere in the house while you’re visiting. I assure you that I will be as discreet as possible while still ensuring your complete security.”
“All right.”
Falcon gives me a half hug around my shoulders. “This is all for your own safety.”
I sigh. “Yes, I understand. Thank you for finding him, Falcon.” I turn to Jared. “And thank you, Jared, for…whatever you’re going to do, I guess.”
He smiles. “What I’ll be doing is protecting you, Raven.” He taps the top of his thigh. “I’m armed at all times, and believe me. No one will get past me. You will be safe in my charge.”
“You can take that to the bank, Ray,” Falcon says. “Like I said, anyone who Leif recommends has my complete trust.”
I give Jared another once-over. I don’t doubt his words.
“So…I told my mom I’d come back to her house.”
“Good enough,” Jared says. “I’m happy to drive you over there.”
I scratch my arm. “I don’t know… This all feels… Violating, almost.”
“I’ll stay out of your personal space as much as I can,” Jared says. “I can assure you that I am trained in keeping my clients as comfortable as they are safe. You won’t even notice I’m there.”
“We just had those top-of-the-line security systems put in all of our homes,” I say. “Do I really need someone guarding me twenty-four-seven?”
“Yes, you do,” Falcon says. “In light of everything, you do, Raven.”
I swallow. He’s no doubt right. What with the whole Diego Vega situation, and then Brick Latham’s murder. And now CJ’s boss, Mr. Puzo, who Vinnie was coming to see…
God, Vinnie…
I need to talk to him about this.
He’ll no doubt be happy I have a bodyguard. In fact, it may have been his idea. Savannah is his sister, and I’m sure he talks to her as much as he talks to me. Probably more.
I jerk when my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out.
It’s Vinnie.
My heart nearly skips a beat.
“Would you two excuse me, please?” I walk out of the kitchen and take some privacy in my living area. I accept the call and bring the receiver up to my ear.
“I’m going out of town tonight, Raven.”