Page 59 of Volatile Vice
“Was that one of our attorneys?” I ask.
“Yeah. Looks like we don’t have anything to worry about with that dead lawyer. The police believe our alibis, and there are other more likely suspects in his murder. I just had a very interesting conversation with one of my attorneys who works at his firm, and it turns out the firm was looking for a way to get rid of him anyway.”
I drop my jaw. “Daddy?”
He frowns. “I didn’t mean for that to be as callous as it sounded, sweetheart. But frankly, we don’t need this mess right now. I’ve already got the EPA breathing down my neck about the excavation of that land near the border. Those federal agencies are a big pain in the ass.”
I keep my face noncommittal. I still don’t know what Falcon and the guys plan to do. At some point they’ll have to get in there and make sure the body of Diego Vega and all those drugs are gone. Then what will they do with the remains? I have no idea. Maybe it’s better that I don’t.
I swallow. “I understand, Daddy. But in light of what happened, I need to ask you for another referral.”
“For an attorney, I understand. For your nonprofit.”
I nod. “Right.”
“I’ll find you someone good.” Then he sighs, rakes his fingers through his graying blond hair. “Are you sure you’re up for this right now, honey? With everything going on… The death of that lawyer… In your bed…”
“You just said we don’t need to worry about that.”
“We don’t need to worry about the police investigating,” he says. “They’ve accepted our stories as true.”
“Why shouldn’t they? Our storiesaretrue.”
“They are, honey, but there are holes in them.” He scratches at his chin. “Your mother and I didn’t notice the body until the next morning, and you were alone at your place for part of the night. I know none of us had anything to do with that lawyer stuff, but…”
“But what, Daddy?”
He shakes his head. “Never mind, Raven. What’s most important is your wellbeing. Are you feeling okay, honey?”
“I’m feeling fine.”
Physically, that is. Mentally I’m a mess. At least I didn’t have to look at the dead body. It will be a long time before I can sleep in that room again. If I ever do. All the more reason for me to move back into my own home. Especially since Falcon has arranged for some big bodyguard to live there with me.
“All right. I suppose it will help for you to have something to focus on. I’ll get you another attorney right away, sweetheart. In the meantime, you know you can count on your mother and me for anything you need. Money, support, whatever.”
I slowly rise. “I’m sure I’ll need all of those things. Thanks, Daddy.”
He nods and picks up his phone.
That’s my cue to leave.
CJ and I didn’t get to have our visit on Sunday. The cops were still milling around.
Maybe I could go see her again.
I grab my phone out of my pocket and give her a call.
“Hey, Raven,” she says into the phone. Her voice is a little bit off.
“Hey, CJ. Sorry I had to cancel on you Sunday.”
“It’s okay.” She pauses. “Things are…a mess here.”
“Yeah? What’s going on?”
“Well, you’ll notice I didn’t text you back when I got your text about Sunday.”
I honestly hadn’t noticed. But I was obviously otherwise occupied. “Yeah, I know.”