Page 7 of Say You'll Stay
A small hand slides into mine. “I think you’re pretty cute.”
My gaze flicks from our interlocked fingers and to her big beautiful eyes, full of warmth and sincerity. I fall in love with her right there. “You probably haven’t seen more than five dudes in your whole life.”
She grins at me. “And what about it?”
She looks the same. Beautiful, like she was birthed by the sun itself, but the cheerful disposition she held all her teen years despite never having a stable home, fighting off assholes, and dealing with me is gone. Weariness is etched into her forehead and in the drooped slope of her shoulders. Her light has gone out, and it makes me insane. Even though I know this is partly my fault, red washes over me.
“I’ll kill him.”
Chapter Five
The woman at the front with a plate on her desk that readsHeadmastereyed me warily when I asked to see Weston Evers. Eventually she nodded toward a door, not even giving me the courtesy of speaking to me. I could tell from the tightness of her mouth that she was annoyed, but it had been that way before I asked her anything. The woman fit what I would think a headmaster would look like. Uptight, stick in the mud. I guess a fancy school would be pernicious. I’m sure it is also boring.
My breath hitches when I catch sight of West. His office door is open. I stand there, rooted for a long moment, taking him in. He had always been larger than the other boys, but he has now grown into a man. He’s added about thirty pounds of muscle and is a few inches taller. But he’s still devilishly handsome.
He’s wearing slacks with a buttoned-up shirt. The sleeves are rolled up. West isn’t only a man, he is a well-off one. He’s so freaking different but the same in so many ways. How that is possible, I don’t know. It’s clear he’s in a whole other league. One that I exist around but definitely am not a part of. I never will be. No matter how hard I have tried, I could never find my spot or anyone that wanted to stick around.
I’m sure there are a million other things that have changed about West besides his looks. He could be married with kids too. I shake those thoughts from my head. I won’t let myself picture him with another woman or think of him having a child with someone else. It’s something I’d rather stay ignorant of. I’m perfectly fine remaining in my little bubble when it comes to him.
So many of my core memories are with him. They were the happiest times of my life, and I don’t want them to be sullied by reality. Thinking of him with anyone else is a sure way of doing exactly that. There were many nights as we lay awake that I would share with him my dreams of becoming a teacher. To be a mother one day. To have a family. One that was my own. He'd always tell me that I'd make beautiful babies. I yearned to have children with him.
Stop, I order myself.I can’t go there. This is not the time to take a trip down memory lane or dream of what could have been. I’m here to try to save another little girl. I’m not sure how it is that I think West is going to help me. But somehow, I know he might be my only hope. He always protected me when I was a young girl. Until he was gone.
Forcing myself, I lift my hand and knock, interrupting the man he’s speaking with. West’s dark green eyes that I picture so many nights lock with mine. We stare at each other for a long moment. Is he trying to remember who I am? Does he not recognize me after all these years?
His mouth moves, but I’m not close enough to hear him. The man next to him raises his brows. “Why don’t you come in?” he offers.
“Are you sure?” I lick my dry lips. This is West’s office. Shouldn’t he be the one to invite me in?
“Of course.” West finally speaks but doesn’t move. His eyes remain on me.
“We’ll finish this later,” the man says before giving me a nod as he passes by. I hear the click of the door close behind him, leaving West and me all alone. A rush of nerves suddenly hits me, but I push it down.
“I’m not sure if you remember me.” My voice cracks a little. I take a deep breath, getting a handle on myself.
“Violet?” I snort a laugh, covering my mouth with my hand. In a snap, West puts me at ease. “It’s been a long time.” He moves, clearing the rest of the space between us. His hand comes up to cup my cheek. I lean into it. The familiarity is welcome. “How have you been, Vasey?”
Emotion starts to rush through me. I fight it down so that I can speak. This is harder than I thought it would be. I want to fling myself at him. To get lost in him the way I used to when I was younger.
“Okay,” I lie.
“Don’t lie to me, sweetn—” I stiffen. “Vasey,” West quickly corrects, thinking I didn’t want to hear him call me the term of endearment he used to use. My stomach tightens, and I realize how much I’ve missed that word. It had been so close to leaving his lips, but I fucked it up. That really is starting to be the story of my life. But I can’t fuck this up. Not for Jasmine. She needs me.
“I’m sorry, West.” I step back, making him drop his hand. Guilt tugs at me. It’s twofold, really. I did lie, but I’m also here because I need something. This is not a social visit for me to tell him how much I’ve missed him. I suppose he hasn’t sought me out either. I’m sure a man with his means could have found me if he wanted to. The thought of him not wanting to is way too much for me to think about in this moment.
“You don’t have to apologize.” He steps back too. His hands form fists at his side. Have I pissed him off? West could be quick to anger, but it was never at me and often in defense of me.“Would you like something to drink?” He moves toward a small kitchen area.
“No, I really don’t have a ton of time.” I pull out my phone and check it. Shit. “I’m sorry,” I mutter again. Wow, I really can’t get it together here.
“Sit,” he orders, coming back over to put his hand on my hip to move me toward one of the chairs. West takes the one next to mine, leaning in close like I’m about to tell him a secret. I suppose it might be.
“I need your help,” I blurt out, knowing that time is running out because I have to be back to pick up Jasmine. “I mean, would you help me?” We aren’t who we used to be. I can’t assume West is still the boy who would always help me. He has a life. A big one.
“Did you not think I would help you, Vasey?”
“I honestly don’t know anymore.”