Page 18 of Say You'll Stay
Jasmine really doesn't ask him for much. I wish he would make more of an effort to have a relationship with her. I guess Thomas does what he believes is best and least inconvenient for himself. That's why the Wicked Witch of the West and her demon spawn have become a constant fixture in our lives.
Yes, he loves Jasmine, but he loves himself more. When it comes to home life, Thomas wants whatever is going to make his life easier.
And that is precisely how we have gotten here with Weston having wiggled his way right into the Wares’ home. The man really does have a knack for getting what he wants. It’s impressive. Honestly, not much has changed in that aspect.
“I raise you three kisses.” Jasmine drops three of the silver-wrapped chocolate Kisses into the center of the circle we’ve made. We’re all sitting on the floor in her bedroom.
We told Thomas that Weston was having his place worked on, and with Jasmine not being ready for me to move, that letting him stay here was the best plan. Thomas and I both know Jasmine would be a mess if I moved out. He may not like Weston, but this is the lesser of two evils for him. Even when he saw her upset at dinner last night, I could tell it bothered him. Jasmine isn’t one to throw fits. We bluffed and won.This time.
“Maybe we should play Uno,” I suggest for the fifth time now.
When I suggested we play a game together, poker wasn't what I had in mind. Jasmine had never heard of it before, and West told her he'd teach her. Jasmine is curious and eager to absorb anything. There was no talking either of them out of it.
“You’re just mad I got all your Kisses.” Jasmine giggles from behind her cards.
“I am.” West winks at me, making Jasmine laugh harder, we all know he’s not talking about chocolate kisses.
I roll my eyes at them but bite the inside of my cheek so as not to smile. The two of them are going to end up in some sort of cahoots if I’m not careful. Now that Jasmine isn’t so scared that West is going to take me away from her, she’s taken to him.
“So?” Jasmine tries to make a poker face like Weston showed her.
“Hmm.” West pretends he’s not sure of what he’s going to do.
I can tell he is only playing in a certain style in order to teach her. He’d let her have a few hands and then pull some right back. Watching the two of them is entertaining. But I can’t help the sadness that creeps into my thoughts. Thinking about the million other life choices and paths that would have been possible. There were so many years lost with West.
Him and me together with our own children. If things had been different. I can’t help but wonder if he hadn’t left all those years ago, where would we be? Would we have kids already? I’m sure.
It makes me ache, but I remind myself that this path led me to Jasmine. That her life is better for having me in it. A girl that needs me. I don’t want to imagine how things could have been for her if I hadn’t been here.
“Call.” West tosses his last three Kisses into the pot. Jasmine shows her hand, her eyes wide. West’s face falls, and his shoulder drops.
“You got me.” He sighs in defeat.
“Really?” Jasmine’s expression turns hopeful.
“Yes!” Jasmine jumps to her feet and starts to do a victory dance, making me laugh. She’s so animated today. I wonder if having West here puts her more at ease.
“All right.” I scoop the Kisses up. “Put these on your nightstand but none until after dinner.”
“Okay.” Jasmine takes them from me.
“Wash up for dinner too.”
“On it!” she chirps, bouncing off toward her bathroom after putting the Kisses away. I reach over and grab West’s cards.
“You little liar.” I shake my head, smiling at him. With his hand, he cups the back of my neck, pulling me toward him. He meets me halfway, taking my mouth in a kiss. I close my eyes and let myself get lost in him for a few seconds. I was so freaked out this morning, but now West has washed many of those feelings away, allowing hope to return.
"I'd lose every hand if it gave me that smile and these kisses." I press my forehead against his.
“I’ve missed you so much,” I whisper. “Everything feels okay when you’re near.”
West closes his eyes for a long moment. “I’m sorry.”
“No.” I stop him. “No more sorries. Things happened how they needed to.”
“All right,” he agrees, pressing another kiss to my lips.