Page 42 of Holding Out For A Holiday Hero
He watched his dick sink into her. Watched and watched.
She came. Her hips jerked against his, and his name spilled from her in the cry he craved. As Jake felt the contractions of her inner muscles around him, he let go. He pounded into her with all the lust that he couldn’t contain. The primal need. Over and over, he sank into her until he exploded on a release so intense that the entire world seemed to erupt around him. And as he poured into her, he could not stop the one rumbling word that broke from him.
Something was ringing.
True opened her eyes and squinted against the light that poured in from the nearby blinds.
The ringing continued.
Not jingle bells.
Her breath shuddered out as she bolted upright. Upright in a big bed. A bed that she was currently sharing with Jake.
A naked Jake.
And I’m naked, too.
Naked, in the bright light of day.
Jake threw out a hand and grabbed the phone on the nightstand. She vaguely remembered him bringing the phone into the bedroom at some random point in the night.
He put the phone to his ear. “What?” A growl.
A sexy growl. Because he was sexy. Always. But especially first thing in the morning. Her wide eyes swept over him. The stubble on his jaw just made him look hotter. Tougher. The sheet dipped near his waist and exposed all of his wonderful muscles. That ten pack. And his dark eyes were?—
Right on me.
“True’s place is not a crime scene anymore. Check. Yeah, yeah, we’ll go over there. She’ll look around. I want her to do a thorough search and make sure nothing was taken. I know she scanned the house before, Harris. I was fucking there, remember? But I want a thorough search.”
Cold air teased her nipples and had True grabbing for the covers and hauling them over her body.
Jake frowned at her.
She became aware of the aches and pains in her body. In parts of her body that didn’t usually ache. Oh, the things we did last night. Things that made her blush a fiery red now. True jumped from the bed. She hauled the covers with her. Where were her panties?
In the den. You stripped in the den. Her cheeks burned even more.
His frown turned darker. “Oh, yes. I have my eyes on her.”
His eyes were on her. His hands had been all over her during the night. And his dick had been in her. Not that Harris needed to know any of that information.
How many times did we make love?
Only, it wasn’t love. It had been sex. Basic. Primitive. Mind-blowing. Totally worth the aches this morning.
“I’ll be keeping her close, you don’t need to worry about that. You just remember to keep me in the loop with anything you uncover.” A pause. Jake’s eyes never left her face. “Yeah. Anyone coming after her will need to go through me. Count on it.” He hung up the phone.
She continued to stand by the bed, clutching the covers, and curling her toes against the hardwood floor.
Jake tossed the phone back on the nightstand. He quirked one brow. Then he climbed out of the bed—completely naked—and moved to stand in front of her. The man’s dick was fully erect. How could he be fully erect after what they’d done? Talk about some serious stamina.
“True, True, True…eyes up here.”
He caught me staring at his dick. Her eyes whipped up to his face.