Page 69 of He Sees You When You’re Sleeping
I pause, considering if I should reveal my truest fantasy of all. The one thing I’ve wanted since I first stood outside her window.
My biggest fantasy, I type slowly, is to not have to spend Christmas alone.
I hold my breath, watching the screen intently. Have I said too much? Have I gone from sexy dom to pathetic cinnamon roll?
Seconds tick by with no response. On the nanny cam, I see Chloe staring at her screen, her expression unreadable.
Finally, a message appears. That’s a fantasy of mine as well. I didn’t realize it until now.
A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be alone for Christmas.
You aren’t the first to tell me that.
For a moment, I forget about the cameras, the stalking, the lies. All I can think about is the possibility of spending Christmas with her, of waking up next to her on a cold winter morning, of sharing hot cocoa and stolen kisses by a fireplace.
Two people alone for Christmas, huh?I reply, feeling as if I’m walking on eggshells. I don’t want to be too forward too fast.
I want to invite myself over. I want to suggest we spend Christmas together. But I can’t. Not yet. It’s too soon, too risky. I have to play this carefully.
But I wasn’t lying when I told her that my biggest fantasy is not having to spend Christmas alone. Ever since my mother died... I can’t bring myself to finish that thought. The pain of losing her is still too raw, even after all these years. Instead, I focus on Chloe, on the possibility of a future where I’m not alone.
Maybe we don’t have to be alone, Chloe types back. What if... what if we spent it together? You gave me one of my fantasies at Naughty and Nice. It seems only fair that I give you one of yours.
How can I pull this off? How can I spend Christmas with Chloe and her not discover who I am? It’s one thing wearing a mask and a cloak in a dark club. I could speak in a low tone, covered by the sound of loud club music. It’s another spending intimate time together in the hushed comfort of her house. I can’t exactly wear a mask on Christmas Eve and practically growl out commands, now can I? How far can masked cave man act go?
Giving me one of my fantasies?I begin typing, thinking of every possibility to keep my charade alive. Whatever I want for Christmas?
I see her smile as she answers, Yes. My Christmas gift to you. That’s if you’ve been a good boy and you’re on Santa’s nice list.
Oh, I’ve been good. Very, very good.
I’m sure you have, Chloe replies. I can almost hear the teasing lilt to her words . So yes, you get your Christmas present however you want it. Just tell me.
I want my present wrapped in a bow on Christmas Eve, I type.
A bow?
Yes. I want you blindfolded when I arrive at your house. A red ribbon tied tightly around your perfect face. I want you completely naked, legs spread wide open, laying on your bed waiting for me.
The man knows what he wants. Which of course is sexy as fuck.
I can do that—
I’m going to arrive at ten p.m. on Christmas Eve. I’m going to knock on your door and give you two minutes to get ready. When I enter, I want to see you exactly as I described. Do you understand?
Yes, I understand, Chloe replies. Ten p.m. on Christmas Eve. Blindfolded, naked, with a red ribbon. I’ll be waiting.
I stare at her words, a mix of disbelief and primal need coursing through me. This is really happening.
Good girl, I type back. And remember, no peeking. The blindfold stays on the entire time.
On the nanny cam, I see Chloe squirm in her chair, clearly aroused by the idea. Okay, she types. I trust you.
Those three words hit me like a punch to the gut. She trusts me. If only she knew the truth.
But I push the guilt aside. This is what I’ve wanted for so long. I’m not going to let anything ruin it now.
You won’t regret it, I type back. I promise to make it a Christmas Eve you’ll never forget.