Page 8 of Unhinged
And that’s when I saw him.
Show no fear.
My anger rose, not just from tonight but also from being so fucking tired of living in fear, afraid some male would try to take advantage of me.
So I stopped. I turned. And I faced him.
Whoever he was, he stood at the edge of the alley, just behind the glow of the flickering streetlamp. His silhouette told me he was massive in height and width. And even though his face was hidden by the shadows, there was no doubt he had menace and darkness spilling from him, as I could feel it slam into me.
I felt that darkness wrap around me. He didn’t move, didn’t speak, and although he was shrouded in shadows and I couldn't see his face, I knew he watched me with an intensity that was terrifying.
His presence was unsettling, yet...I was intrigued.
Neither of us moved, like we were locked in some kind of silent standoff. And I felt like we were. He thought I was his prey, but maybe the roles were reversed.
My heart hammered in my chest, but it wasn’t fear that gripped me. It was something else. Something ominous and dangerous. Something deranged and unhinged.
The way he stood there, his very stance and presence made it seem like he was waiting for me to make the first move.
“Who are you?” I called out, my voice steady despite the anxiety that gnawed at me.
He didn’t answer, but I knew he wouldn't. True predators didn’t lower themselves to the level of their prey.
I should have walked away. Ran. That was what everything inside me was screaming. But instead of turning and leaving—which was what a smart person would have done who wanted to survive—I took a step closer.
Something in me was drawn to him. I was pulled toward the evil that surrounded him. Once again, I was sabotaging my life.
I wasn’t sure why I thought or felt like this, but I knew one thing.
This wasn't the last time I’d see him.
She knew I was dangerous enough to finally take back the step she had moved toward me, and then another, before turning and leaving.
And I let her walk away. It had been easy as I studied my prey, noticed her fear and anxiousness, and made sure I knew how she naturally reacted to my presence before I made a move.
But even though I let her leave, I stayed in the shadows and followed her. This time staying perfectly quiet instead of purposely allowing her to pick up on my company.
I watched her, hidden in the darkness of the alleyways and streets as she hurried to wherever she felt safest.
The city swallowed many whole, eating themalive until they were nothing but bones and blood and desperation.
My dark beast kept me anchored to her, dragging me along, so I was forced to follow. I was a bloodhound caught on her scent, and nothing and no one could otherwise sway me.
I kept replaying the way she stared at me, so defiant yet curious. I knew the shadows kept me concealed, but I’d seen her clearly on that abandoned street as she narrowed her eyes at me.
So strong, yet she was terrified.
Knowing that—watching her—had ignited something unfamiliar deep in my core.
The streets were quiet, just the occasional hum of traffic in the distance, but she didn’t look back again. She didn’t run. And I didn’t stop. Not until I leaned against the brick building as I watched her cross another street.
The entire time, she never checked over her shoulder, but I wondered if she was doing it purposely, if she actuallycouldsense my presence even though no one else ever would’ve picked up on it after breaking our standoff. I knew I was hidden, but something in her eyes when we stared at each other for those tense moments just minutes ago told me she was somuch different than all my other prey before her.
She walked with purpose, but there was an uneasiness in her steps, like she couldn’t shake our encounter. That only made me want her more.