Page 16 of Unhinged
When I blinked my eyes to clear my vision, thepain was echoing in my skull, and focusing was becoming impossibly difficult. I was groggy and disoriented. I followed those tiny feet up slender legs until I was staring at Isla, who hovered above me.
Through my haze of pain, I could see her expression was unreadable, her eyes dark and sharp in the shadowy interior. She crouched and set something big and heavy down beside me.
I heard a hard and metal-likeclankbeside me and stared at the cast iron frying pan that she used to almost knock me the fuck out. She moved again, and I followed her with my eyes as she unfurled her body and stood above me again.
It was when she held her hand up that I felt my lips twitch and a hardcore shot of lust course through my veins. Hell, even in pain, my cock was getting fucking thick and hard as I saw she was holding my gift.
The bouquet of bloody fingers, that were discolored and decomposing.
“I’d ask how you got me this, but you already answered that,” she said, her voice cold, her eyes staring into mine, but then she slowly smiled.
Everything swirled in my mind—confusion, shock, disbelief. Isla was supposed to bemynext vulnerable, unaware victim. Butshewas standingover me, the bouquet still wrapped in brown paper and blood-stained, satin ribbon held in her palm.
I stared up at her, my reality spinning. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t the one in control.
That and…I was pretty sure I was in love.
Istood over him, breathing harder than normal, because I felt… excitement.
Roman was out cold thanks to whatever had been in the syringe I picked up and injected him with. I assumed it was meant for me, a sedative for him to use on me so he could do whatever fucked-up things to my body he wanted to while I was unconscious.
Well, tonight, I’d be doing the fucked-up things.
His massive frame was slumped across the bed—to which I’d had one hell of a time getting him off the floor and where I wanted him. I stared down at Roman, my pulse increasing, but it wasn’t from fear.
No, it was that dark and twisted pleasure that I thought I buried deep down insideme so long ago.
I knew he’d been following me since that first time. Even though I hadn’t known how closely he’d been watching me, I always felt eyes on me, lingering, so I never felt truly alone.
The way I felt his presence, even when I couldn’t see him, was something that was almost… comforting.
I looked at him now, sprawled out on my bed, totally fucking out cold, and this rush of pleasure flowed through me. I tied his arms to the metal headboard railing with a length of rope I carefully knotted. He was huge—a solid wall of muscle—but I managed to get him into this very vulnerable position, with his sinewy arms trapped above his head, and his legs slightly spread and secured at either end of the bed. All on my own.
It was a powerful feeling.
Waiting for him to break in had been almost therapeutic. I knew what I wanted to do as soon as the front door had shut. I even left the chain lock undone to make this extra easy for him.
He’d been out for a couple of hours now, but I was in no rush. We had all night.
Finally, Roman stirred, groaning as he woke. His eyes fluttered open, dark and confused, and I leanedback in the chair I’d dragged close to the bed and smiled a little, watching him come to.
I loved the fact that he wasn’t used to being the one on the receiving end of this.
“You thought you were so clever,” I whispered when he was fully awake and staring me right in the eyes. I set his brutal and bloody gift back on my dresser, that smile still playing on my lips. I reached out and let my fingers absently toy with the ribbon securing the decomposing flesh.
The fingers he’d given me, a twisted offering from a demon.
“I knew you were watching me. I saw you at the diner, felt you following me, and knew you were breaking into my apartment.” I didn't admit I wasn’t fully aware until after he’d probably been doing it for a while.
He blinked slowly, his expression showing and telling me nothing. But the longer he stared at me, the more I saw something change. I saw the shift in his eyes, a flash of something darker.
But I wasn’t scared. I was… aroused.
I got off the chair and moved to the edge of the bed, sitting down beside him, the mattress dipping slightly, and the natural scent of Roman filling mynose and lungs. I ignored the tension that rippled through his big, bound body. And then he jerked violently, the rope keeping him in place but his upper body coming off the mattress so his face was closer to mine.